WATCH: Atlas Stone Tutorial with Brian Alsruhe
WATCH: Atlas Stone Tutorial with Brian Alsruhe
Even if you’re not a strongman competitor, the Atlas Stone’s benefits have carryover to the Big Three. Besides, it’s fun to train something new. So what are you waiting for? Grab an Atlas Stone, heavy med ball, or sandbag so we can get started!
Read What Has Come Before
Read What Has Come Before
Verkhoshansky. Issuran. Roman. Matveye. Stone. Kraemer. McGuigan. Gill. Newton. Haff. Fry. Zatsiorsky. Yessis. Bosco. Bondarchuk. Siff. Hill. Berger. Bompa. Knight. Issurin. Rhea. Baker. DeLorme. Get to know them.
Beyond the Range (BTR) - Stone Lifting
Beyond the Range (BTR) - Stone Lifting
Application of Powerlifting technique to a Strongman implement.

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