Blue Collar Strongman Training
What would be more effective is to change the dynamics of the lift slightly to stimulate new recruitment patterns and increase the use of often neglected muscles.
Fun in the Weight Room
Keeping your athletes motivated is one of the hardest things to do as a strength coach.
The Arnold 2006 in Review
I think everyone was holding their breath at this years WPO meet at the Arnold Classic.
The Odyssey of a Collegiate Strength & Conditioning Coach
This article is designed to give future strength & conditioning coaches a better insight as to what it takes to get your “foot in the door”.
Boston Seminar Overview
Drum roll please…..Ladies and gentlemen, get ready for the myth, the man, the legend – Dave Tate! I am going to give you readers an overview of the phenomenal presentation put on this past weekend by Dave at Total Performance Sports in Boston, MA.
Skepticism in Training
I am a powerlifter. One of my great passions in life is spending time in the gym lifting heavy weights. To this day, I cannot think of anything more satisfying than setting a hard earned personal record. Well, let’s just say there are very few things that are more satisfying.
Deadlifting with Chains
Almost a year ago, Matt Bash and I put our collective heads together and were thinking of different ways to approach our weak point in the deadlift; the lockout.
The Right Piece for the Right Puzzle: Training High School Athletes with...
“There are a hundred ways to skin a cat, I am only good at one of them”, is something my grandfather used to say to me all the time.
Lift & Learn II: The Benefits of Bodybuilding
When I look back at my experiences as a bodybuilder there are plenty of good memories, tons of fun workouts, painful workouts and some injuries.
Doing it Differently
As a follow up to Bob Youngs article “Things I Would do Differently”, I decided to give this idea a shot and see what I could come up with.
And You Thought You had it Tough
“Well, I stand up next to a mountain I chop it down with the edge of my hand.” –Jimi
The Triumvirate
The number 3 is held in reverence by many people. Of course, the title of this article is in reference to the Roman Empire and where would we be without them?
3 Training Reasons Behind Baseball’s Steroid Problem
If those guys want to cheat the game and the fans while they destroy their health, then they can suffer the consequences.
The Circa-Maximal Squat Phase
The circa max phase is a three week squat phase designed to peak you for your contest.
Causal Friday
How things have changed. Five years ago, all you ever read were articles on how to use your gear, how to use your bench shirt, squat suit, knee wraps, etc. Now people want articles on how to train without gear. Very strange.
Just Another Day…
The past couple of months have been the busiest of my life. My business is growing at a rapid pace and there are many “growing pains” that go along with this growth.
Keepers and Throwbacks, Part II
[Editor’s Note: A lot of things that Glenn mentions in this article are his opinion and will not sit well with purists. Please note that this article is his opinion. For example, Travis Mash and Joe Bayles have both had success with the Zercher Squat. Also, weight releasers are extremely useful. But Glenn also makes some valid points, too. So
Top 3 Dynamic Squat and Dynamic Bench Cycles
In the spirit of the 4th of July, we are going to focus on explosive (re: dynamic) training. So listed below are the top 3 cycles for the squat and bench.
Keepers and Throwbacks
I just have seen too many people I know become unhappy because their possessions own them, not vice versa
Going Heavy
For those that don’t know how I train or how I think – it all comes down to one thing; Going Heavy.
Davidson College Football Program
Evan Simon recently became the head strength and conditioning coach for Davidson College in Davidson, North Carolina.
Tales From the Dark Side: 13 Stories of Woe
Here are some actual stories from actual strength coaches. All these stories have been substantiated by coaches that I know very well and trust.
Devil’s Advocate: The Seven Seals
When training your lower back, think about it two ways; to strengthen your lower back and injury prevention. These don’t necessarily go hand in hand. Many people who have very strong backs injure themselves.
Matt Rhodes' Westside Template
Matt is one of the least physically gifted lifters that I have ever seen.
The Devil’s Advocate: Random Thoughts
The Monday after the 2005 Arnold Classic I had to attend a meeting about 45 minutes away and found myself driving the back roads of Ohio
Under The Bar: Planning a Powerlifting Meet
There are several reasons why we have not run meets over the past few years and they are all time and business related.
Starting Over By Mike Miller (as told to Dave Tate)
I was watching our new bench video with Bill Crawford this weekend and I asked him what he thought. He said, “The video is great but your benching technique is horrible.”
A Day in the Life
The alarm goes off signaling for me to get my ass up and moving. Today is dynamic squat day and I have to be in the gym by 8:15 to begin the session by 8:30
A Christmas Story: An Unsolicited Testimonial
It was a cold October afternoon in 2003. My back was sore and I could hardly straighten my elbow. I iced down and took some ibuprofen; still I felt no better.
To the Critics
Being a part of Elite Fitness Systems for the past couple of years as well as powerlifting and competitive sports, I have been exposed to a lot of critics telling me what I’m doing is wrong or, in the case of football, what the team is doing wrong.
Your Program Sucks!
We have happened upon a new age of strength and conditioning. I have seen this coming for sometime now but tried to dismiss it as a fad.
Free Time
[Disclaimer: Parts of this document may be offensive to some. Read with caution and remember views expressed by writers may not be those of]
Training with Angelo Beradinelli’s Progressive Evolution System
I want to acknowledge the guys from PES for welcoming me into their group.
Strength Considerations for Throwers in Track and Field
Most periodized training programs for athletes follow a Western or linear model.
The Unmaking of an Athlete
I sometimes wonder if there are any prerequisites at all to getting a job as college strength and conditioning coach.
Got Bench?
I don’t care what gym you train at there’s always that one question that, essentially, is used as a measuring stick of your masculinity; “How much do you bench?”
Strength and No Holds Barred Fighting
“Strength is an essential component of all human performance and its formal development can no longer be neglected in the preparation of any athlete”
We’ve all been there. Whether it be in front of our families, while lying in bed with a significant other or while sipping on a few cold drafts with a new acquaintance at a bar, we’ve all encountered the question; “Why do you powerlift?”
Five Things I Needed To Change as an Intermediate Lifter
As an intermediate level powerlifter I realize that I cannot train like the Elite Level powerlifters.
To The Beginner by Mike Miller (as told to Dave Tate)
This article is intended to provide insight for the individual who is just starting out in powerlifting.
Southside Gym
Dave trains at the mecca of powerlifting, Westside Barbell Club. What could I possibly add to the knowledge that pours out of that holy place?
Variation on Max Effort Training
There are two variations to this structure. For the sake of time and space, I will only discuss one at this time. The second variation is a bit more complicated and is recommended for an experienced lifter only.
Big B’s Believe It Or Not
I will admit that most people I know would say I am eccentric, some would say I’m an idiot, and my wife swears that I am a bit psychotic. On the same theme, the following incidents I will discuss can only be described as strange.
My Diary
My intent with this article is to give you a sort of inside look at what I was thinking going into and during the meet.
Auto Regulatory Training Part 2
The training process must include a critical and determined degree of fatigue, followed by an appropriate duration to which Reserve Strength may be elicited.
Today many lifters talk about box squatting. Opinions vary alot. Some still state that using a box is a trick which has no effect to contest maxes at all.
Training the juniors
What you learn while young you practice in the older age. When it comes to power lifting, the skills and techniques help you through your whole career.
Finnish Deadlift Secrets
Through out the years, the deadlift has been our ”national sport” here in Finland. World records has been broken since early 70´s. What makes Finns pull so much, what is their secret?
John Bott's Squat Rehabilitation Program
On June 17, 2000 while competing in the IPA York Barbell Strength Spectacular I completely ruptured my right patella tendon while setting up with my opening squat attempt of 780 pounds.
General Training Journal For High School Field Athletes
When discussing training, there are many things to consider, such as speed work, building absolute strength, improving form, raising work capacity, recuperation, and selecting exercises and rotating them them in proper sequence to avoid adaptation.
Preparation for the 2001 IPA Nationals
Here is a training diary and some thoughts on my preparation for the 2001 IPA Nationals.