We Pick Things Up and We Put Them Down
We Pick Things Up and We Put Them Down
A coach once asked me, "Why do you lift?" My reply: "If aliens landed here and saw a basketball game going on, they wouldn't have any clue what was happening. But if they saw lifting, they could at least wrap their heads around what they were seeing."
Selecting Appropriate Exercises for Youth Athletes
Selecting Appropriate Exercises for Youth Athletes
Parents are understandably worried about their children starting strength training. Ease their minds by selecting appropriate exercises for their kids.
A Strength Athlete's Running Journey
A Strength Athlete's Running Journey
I always had an interest in running. I enjoyed it. It always seemed to help me mentally, and honestly, I feel it’s in all of our blood, and we are predisposed to endurance. But I had pain in my right angle and big toe, so I told myself I’d never be able to run. Until now.
Progressions in Exercise Selection Based on Technical Proficiency
Progressions in Exercise Selection Based on Technical Proficiency
I firmly believe you have to start at the simplest movement that someone can master correctly, and then, over time, progress from that simple movement to the more complex movements. The process is one of progressive skill acquisition.
The Most Underutilized Kettlebell Exercise You Should Be Doing
The Most Underutilized Kettlebell Exercise You Should Be Doing
We think of the Kettlebell Windmill as a largely upper body exercise, but I’d like to make a case that it’s one of the most underutilized exercises to promote hip loading and control bilaterally.
Practical Prilepin Plans
Practical Prilepin Plans
It is this article’s intention to impart an easily identifiable progression in accordance with Prilepin’s stipulations and practical examples of it, all of which I’ve used at the Division I level.
5 Alternatives to Olympic Lifts
5 Alternatives to Olympic Lifts
I have nothing against the Olympic lifts. They’re fantastic movements that create explosive power. It’s just that there are safer alternatives that still force the lifter into triple extension.
Combining Dynamic Hip and Stabilization Drills for Runners
Combining Dynamic Hip and Stabilization Drills for Runners
Strength training for runners is the chassis that underpins the abilities of speed and endurance to help these withstand practice and compete at a higher level — no meathead approach here! Plus, all you need for this program is a buddy and a band. Easy peasy.
How My Programming's Improved Over the Years
How My Programming's Improved Over the Years
I love and hate programming. When I’m doing research and reading stuff, my brain goes a million miles per hour. Of course, everything I read seems like the greatest idea ever, so I have to dial it down, but I’ve gotten better at it over the years, and it shows.
To Hell With Ankle Mobility...
To Hell With Ankle Mobility...
In the strength industry, we’re putting too much emphasis on the side dishes. We’re combining the main course and the dessert. When’s the last time you smeared your cupcake frosting over your fat juicy steak and mushrooms?!
Applying The French Contrast Method to Beginners
Applying The French Contrast Method to Beginners
As with all great articles and ideas, this one was inspired… by a controversial tweet. Rather than rail against the idea that newbies shouldn’t use the French Contrast Method, I argue that this training method actually may be suitable for beginners in some situations.
WATCH: Matt Rhodes' Problems with Sports Coaches
WATCH: Matt Rhodes' Problems with Sports Coaches
Strength coaches have a lot of problems to deal with. Some of those problems come from the strength coaches themselves, but don’t even get him started on the sports coaches… too late, though. We got him talking about them.
7 Items Rugby Players (and I) Can't Lift Without
7 Items Rugby Players (and I) Can't Lift Without
I am seeing that the specific injuries that are inherent in rugby need a modified program that’s not using traditional training equipment to get results, so here are 7 of my non-traditional tools of the trade.
What You Will Gain From a Strength and Conditioning Internship
What You Will Gain From a Strength and Conditioning Internship
You’ll learn a lot from your strength and conditioning internship — but there are some things you might glean over. Keep these points in mind, and you’ll get even more out of your internship than you thought possible.
How to Effectively Train Core Strength
How to Effectively Train Core Strength
My idea of developing core strength is by both locally and globally training all the musculature that is attached to the hips, specifically by focusing on programming planks.
Collegiate vs. Private Sector Strength and Conditioning with Brian Bott
Collegiate vs. Private Sector Strength and Conditioning with Brian Bott
What are the pros and cons of being a strength coach at the collegiate level or in the private sector? The similarities? The differences? Coach Brian Bott, former University of Wisconsin strength coach-turned-founder of Sports AdvantEDGE, tells all in an interview.
Don't Be Afraid to Try
Don't Be Afraid to Try
A self-made millionaire once told me that we all have great ideas; it’s just that 99% of people don’t act on them. Those words came to mind this summer when I took the largest step I’ve ever taken out of my comfort zone…
3 Quick Fixes for a Stronger Deadlift
3 Quick Fixes for a Stronger Deadlift
Quick fixes: They’re usually bandages on a leaky pipe. But in some cases, a quick fix might be more like the duct tape that fixed the Apollo 13 module. These 3 technique fixes are like duct tape for your deadlift, so wrap up and strengthen that lift.
6 Keys to Starting A High School Strength and Conditioning Program
6 Keys to Starting A High School Strength and Conditioning Program
When starting a high school strength and conditioning program, be sure to implement rules early on and communicate clearly… and those are only a handful of things to get your program off the ground running.
Listen and Learn: How I'm Developing My Staff
Listen and Learn: How I'm Developing My Staff
When you sit and yammer at people, like most of us do in our leadership developments, we aren’t developing leaders… We’re gaining followers. Be quiet and listen to others’ ideas and examples and learn from them, just as they’ll learn from you.
Why You Should Never Box Squat Your Athletes
Why You Should Never Box Squat Your Athletes
You know, we hear coaches complain about their athletes’ excuses… but let me tell you, coaches can be just as bad. Case in point: The excuses coaches make for not making their kids do box squats.
Stirring the Pot, Volume 1
Stirring the Pot, Volume 1
I’ve been told I do a good job of being a heretic of the strength and conditioning coach profession, so I might as well keep it up and stir the pot with some of my hot takes on sumo deadlifts, box squatting, and more.
WATCH: Matt Rhodes Gives Advice to Young Coaches
WATCH: Matt Rhodes Gives Advice to Young Coaches
A few pro tips from Coach Matt Rhodes: Not everything you learn in a book can be applied to strength and conditioning. Open your mind to new ideas and influences, and learn how your mentor wants things down.
Build a Professional Rugby Team Through This Academy Program
Build a Professional Rugby Team Through This Academy Program
I am currently working as a consultant for a pro rugby team, and I was asked about the type of player I would require moving into a pro team. Fair warning: What I wrote here may be considered heretical in the strength and conditioning world…
How Many Times A Day Do You Train?
How Many Times A Day Do You Train?
One of the hardest things I’ve ever done was train less. But thanks to a little advice from Dave Tate, I started looking at training in a whole new light. Strength comes from so much more than lifting heavy weights in the gym.
Have Young Athletes Really Changed?
Have Young Athletes Really Changed?
Enough with the “back in my day, kids did this…” crap. Today is today. Things haven’t changed that much, and if you can’t adapt to what has changed, maybe you shouldn’t be a strength coach.
A Career Development Plan for GAs and Interns
A Career Development Plan for GAs and Interns
Although this article is directed at those supervising GAs and interns, if you’re a student reading this article, you can use these strategies to help to plan your own professional development as well.
Concepts of High-Level Strength and Conditioning Methods Applied to the Sport of Powerlifting
Concepts of High-Level Strength and Conditioning Methods Applied to the ...
Over the last few years, I’ve had more time to visit some major universities and professional teams and talk shop with some very good strength and conditioning coaches, and these are some of the trends we’ve noticed in the weight room and think powerlifters should start implementing.
Everything You Need to Know About The Max Effort Method
Everything You Need to Know About The Max Effort Method
As with anything in training, the answer always is “it depends.” With the max effort method, I can do one of these things for two hours just on advanced principles that deal with the max effort method, or I can do one very that’s simple. I choose simple.
The Travels of a Strength and Conditioning Coach — Jonathan Leitch's Story
The Travels of a Strength and Conditioning Coach — Jonathan Leitch'...
I quit my personal trainer job to become a strength and conditioning coach. I lived in my car, slept on a couch, and I even had a raccoon living in my apartment wall at one point. But all of these struggles and sacrifices were worth it.
It's On Us to Become Better Strength Coaches
It's On Us to Become Better Strength Coaches
I’m here to remind everyone that we all have a part to play in making our field better and safer for our athletes. It’s on us to ensure our athletes, schools, and overall profession are all the best they can be. Start by implementing these 5 simple steps in your program.
The Definition of Insanity
The Definition of Insanity
Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again to get a different result. That pretty much sums up the strength and conditioning industry, doesn’t it?
The Geology of Power
The Geology of Power
To this day, that month-long experience of a geology class at Yellowstone helped shape how I look at duration, time, patience, and longevity. That experience helped me apply the view of time to virtually all facets of life, including strength training.
45 Minutes or Your Money Back
45 Minutes or Your Money Back
Someone once told me when it came to programming, their objective was to be able to get as much bang for your buck as possible. That stuck with me, so I ensure my programs are of good quality and don’t last more than 45 minutes.
Conditioning Without Running
Conditioning Without Running
Stop killing kids by making them run so much. Stop running them into the ground with running… and in general, stop it. It defeats the purposes of building them up.
Off-Season Conditioning Lanes
Off-Season Conditioning Lanes
These off-season lane options are meant to keep them in the ballpark of being in game shape without beating the crap out of them. They don’t have to be ready all the time; just ready to get ready. If you think they are not sport-specific enough or intense enough, that’s why.
WATCH: Matt Rhodes on Getting His Foot Through the Door
WATCH: Matt Rhodes on Getting His Foot Through the Door
“People I knew got my foot in the door, and I got myself through the door.” Morehead State strength and conditioning coach Matt Rhodes shares his story of how he made his way into the collegiate strength and conditioning world.
Universal Pro Gym: Full Service With a Personal Touch
Universal Pro Gym: Full Service With a Personal Touch
Universal Pro Gym’s clientele might mostly be made up of bodybuilders, but that doesn’t stop owner Bob Caron from ensuring that all people who walk through the doors get a personalized experience and a variety of services — including an on-site barbershop.
9 Things I Learned From a Social Media Detox
9 Things I Learned From a Social Media Detox
Quitting social media will help you realize how you’re spending your time and where you’re spending your time. Most of us, myself included, are wasting entirely too much time on stupid stuff. Stop wasting your time there and start putting it where it’s most important.
So You Want to Be A Collegiate Strength Coach: The Pros
So You Want to Be A Collegiate Strength Coach: The Pros
I’ve covered the negatives about being a collegiate strength coach. If that didn’t scare you off, good — because there are some really awesome things about the job, too. For me, the pros outweigh the cons. If they didn’t, why would I still be doing this?
Conjugate in College: My First Experience with the Conjugate System in Division I Women’s Soccer
Conjugate in College: My First Experience with the Conjugate System in D...
For the first time in our head coach’s time at Indiana State, the entire roster passed their fitness test before the start of the spring season — and did zero conditioning outside of morning practice sessions. Thank you, conjugate method!
The Mind-Muscle Link
The Mind-Muscle Link
You must slow down to truly get a feel for the mind-muscle connection. I know some of you who do slow-motion reps or time under tension think you do not need to slow down. Well, then, this article is ESPECIALLY for you!
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #18 with Vincent Dizenzo, Matt Rhodes, and Jim Wendler
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #18 with Vincent Dizenzo, Matt Rhodes, and Ji...
Watch out, Dave — there’s a new host in town. Actually, there are 3 hosts in town, and they’re taking over Table Talk Podcast while Dave is on vacation. Expect some wild stories with Vincent Dizenzo, Matt Rhodes, and Jim Wendler as they answer your questions.
At War with the ME Culture
At War with the ME Culture
Social media is toxic when it comes down to good teamwork. There’s no “I” in team, and there’s no “me” in team, either. So let’s try to figure out how to flip the “M” in me upside-down and change that Me to a We.
The Most Important Training Article You Will Read This Year
The Most Important Training Article You Will Read This Year
elitefts has a strong focus on the freedom of education — so strong that we’re willing to invest in all of the content we provide for you. For 20 years, the strength of this value has enabled us to earn your trust, and therefore, produce more content.
Game Day Lifting (with Sample Training Session)
Game Day Lifting (with Sample Training Session)
During Richland High School’s last football season, I combined the conjugate method and the tier system for programming game day lifts. Seeing the results thus far, I intend to continue the program with a few adjustments — but not before sharing it.
Strength and Conditioning is Failing: Solutions to the Problems
Strength and Conditioning is Failing: Solutions to the Problems
In the first three parts of this series, I discussed the current failings of the strength and conditioning fields. In this fourth and final installment, I’ll try my best to solve some of these problems — something that could very well take decades but needs to be done.
How Strength and Speed Training Can Help Build Your Aerobic Capacity
How Strength and Speed Training Can Help Build Your Aerobic Capacity
Strength and speed training positively influenced my client’s Ironman competition outcome, an event that is very aerobic- and lactic power-based, but why? Let’s take a closer look at energy systems as a whole to find out.
Strength and Conditioning is Failing: Certifications and Qualifications
Strength and Conditioning is Failing: Certifications and Qualifications
Previously, I’ve discussed relationships with sports coaches and administrators. In Part 3 of this series, I’ll cover some of the biggest issues and names in our field: certification, qualifications, the NCAA, NSCA, and CSCCa.
Strength and Conditioning is Failing: Our Relationship with Administrators
Strength and Conditioning is Failing: Our Relationship with Administrators
In Part 1, I covered problems strength and conditioning coaches deal with when it comes to sports coaches, whom we work with on a regular basis. Now, I’ll go over a group we don’t deal with every day but impact everything we do: the administrators.
Physics 101 for Performance Enhancement
Physics 101 for Performance Enhancement
If you understand the science of physics and how to apply it, you’ll have a better understanding of sports and performance enhancement. You owe it to your athletes to understand the fundamentals. Let’s get started.
Xpress Fitness: Your Family-Friendly Neighborhood Gym
Xpress Fitness: Your Family-Friendly Neighborhood Gym
Xpress Fitness, located less than 2 miles away from the elitefts S5 Compound, is a product of support from the rural London, Ohio, community at all levels: family, friends, neighbors, and businesses, all built strong from the ground up.
Comfort Zones are Death Zones
Comfort Zones are Death Zones
As I start up my new job, I wanted to give younger strength and conditioning coaches some advice: Don’t be afraid to spread your wings and fly out of your comfort zone. Be bold and be brave. It will pay off at some point.
Introducing New elitefts Columnist and Coach JM Blakley
Introducing New elitefts Columnist and Coach JM Blakley
The founder of the JM Press is now part of the elitefts team. Welcome our newest columnist and coach: JM Blakley! Keep an eye out for an upcoming article he wrote about the mind-muscle connection and don't forget to follow his coaching blog.
Strength and Conditioning is Failing: Our Relationship with Sports Coaches
Strength and Conditioning is Failing: Our Relationship with Sports Coaches
In this four-part series of articles, I’ll explain why strength and conditioning is a failing field and how we can improve our line of work. This first article covers the problems that we often face with sports coaches.
10 Things You Can Start Doing to Extend Your Lifting Career
10 Things You Can Start Doing to Extend Your Lifting Career
To this day, I still have new members of my gym argue with me on nutrition and training, only to regret not listening later on. Follow these tips and you will not only continue to get stronger for years to come, but you will also stay injury-free.
8-Weeks-Til-Camp Summer Program for High School Football
8-Weeks-Til-Camp Summer Program for High School Football
You won’t ever find my old programs on a typed-out card. Why? Because I don’t run the same program each year. I meet my kids where they’re at, which is why this program isn’t a program. It’s an outline.
Implementing Self-Determination Theory in Coaching
Implementing Self-Determination Theory in Coaching
Self-determination theory is an approach to shift motivation from extrinsic to intrinsic. As coaches, we can make small changes to the way we already do things to cause great changes to the athlete’s performance and motivation source.
Why Sports Coaches Don't Trust Strength Coaches
Why Sports Coaches Don't Trust Strength Coaches
The suggested strategy to build trust from the sports coach involves a particular approach to the strength and conditioning process. A natural consequence of this approach defines the scope of practice of strength and conditioning.

Items 119 to 177 of 1055 total