The Top 25 Ways to Pack on Serious Mass (Part 3)
Yes, it’s finally here! You now have the final part in this three part series on how to go up a weight class. All the while making sure you don’t look like you have been on a serious diet of hot dogs and marshmallows.
The Top 25 Ways to Pack on Serious Mass (Part 1)
One of the most asked questions that I receive is how to gain lean muscle tissue while maintaining their current body fat percentage.
The Top 25 Ways to Pack on Serious Mass (Part 2)
In the first part of this series I discussed 8 top ways to pack on mass when going up a weight class. In the second part of this three part series I will continue with the next 8 tips to take you to success.
The Pie Diet, Nutrition for the Powerlifter
Being a powerlifter allows you more room for error in your nutritional plan than say, a bodybuilder, but getting the right amount of calories and nutrients is just as important.
Under the Bar - Risk Management
Risk is one factor that can and will make or break you. There are many types of risks you can take and trying to organize them in an easy way is not as easy as you may think.
The Significance of Specific Strength Development in MMA
As the sport of MMA progresses so must the specific means and methods of fighter training.
Training with Angelo Beradinelli’s Progressive Evolution System
I want to acknowledge the guys from PES for welcoming me into their group.
Strength Considerations for Throwers in Track and Field
Most periodized training programs for athletes follow a Western or linear model.
The Unmaking of an Athlete
I sometimes wonder if there are any prerequisites at all to getting a job as college strength and conditioning coach.
Got Bench?
I don't care what gym you train at there's always that one question that, essentially, is used as a measuring stick of your masculinity; “How much do you bench?”
Under The Bar: The Iron House Open
I learned more about training during my preparation for this meet than I have any other one in the past. This is because it was one of the worst training cycles I have ever had. We will start with the meet and work backwards.
To The Beginner by Mike Miller (as told to Dave Tate)
This article is intended to provide insight for the individual who is just starting out in powerlifting.
Variation on Max Effort Training
There are two variations to this structure. For the sake of time and space, I will only discuss one at this time. The second variation is a bit more complicated and is recommended for an experienced lifter only.
My Diary
My intent with this article is to give you a sort of inside look at what I was thinking going into and during the meet.
Beginner Mistakes - Part I: Max Effort Progression
When I first started training using the Westside methods, I would often end my max effort exercise and feel like I didn’t do anything.
Today many lifters talk about box squatting. Opinions vary alot. Some still state that using a box is a trick which has no effect to contest maxes at all.
Training High School Athletes
One of the most asked questions throughout the day was “What would you have done differently, if you knew what you know now?” And though I answered the question as best I could, I couldn’t help but rethink the question over and over.