Universal Pro Gym: Full Service With a Personal Touch
Universal Pro Gym: Full Service With a Personal Touch
Universal Pro Gym's clientele might mostly be made up of bodybuilders, but that doesn't stop owner Bob Caron from ensuring that all people who walk through the doors get a personalized experience and a variety of services — including an on-site barbershop.
The Physical Requirements That Make a Rugby Player Great
The Physical Requirements That Make a Rugby Player Great
In January 2017, Marc Keys and I embarked upon a labor of love to develop a questionnaire investigating what the various groups of people who make up the rugby industry think are the key elements of the physical preparation of the rugby player. Here are the results.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Cailer Woolam on Gaining Weight and Going for WRs
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Cailer Woolam on Gaining Weight and Go...
Believe it or not, Cailer Woolam gets a lot of questions about why he’s not gaining weight to break more records. But at age 24, he’s got plenty of time and work ahead of him.
Motivation vs. Discipline
Motivation vs. Discipline
Whenever I ask for topics people want to learn about in my column, “how to stay motivated” is always at the top of the list. Motivation is in high demand: you see it all over Instagram in memes, pictures, and captions. Despite the high demand, it sure seems like it’s in short supply….
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #19 with Leslie Eiler Thompson
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #19 with Leslie Eiler Thompson
This podcast stands out from the rest of the Table Talk Podcast episodes because this time, Dave isn’t the one asking the big questions; this time, the host of The Rogue Ones Podcast is interviewing Dave.
5 Things Beginner and Intermediate Lifters Should Understand
5 Things Beginner and Intermediate Lifters Should Understand
Newer lifters seem to think that they can squat 1,200 pounds in less than a year of training. I hate to burst your bubbles, but that’s not going to happen. It’s a long game, and you need to understand that if you’re going to survive in this sport.
Let's Get Awkward
Let's Get Awkward
Through the use of unconventional movements (or awkward movements), you can really force yourself to utilize better form and recruit numerous additional muscle fibers. Here are a handful of Big 3 variations you can try out.
Skip the Arch in Your Bench Press to Build More Absolute Strength
Skip the Arch in Your Bench Press to Build More Absolute Strength
In order to show real strength, arching isn’t the way to go. In order to build more strength for different sports, arching is pretty much a waste of time. But I’m not criticize arching. On the contrary, there are advantages to it if you are a competitive powerlifter.
Guidelines For Injury-Free Progress: Controlling Intensity
Guidelines For Injury-Free Progress: Controlling Intensity
“If I train strength and conditioning at the same time, will both suffer?” Unless you are taxing your recovery or training in completely disparate ways, you can train both domains. Here are a few ways you can do that.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — What High School Strength Coaches are Screwing Up for Incoming Freshmen
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — What High School Strength Coaches are ...
If “what you’re saying you’re doing and what you’re doing to the athlete doesn’t match up… I’m calling BS on your integrity.” Phil Matusz, OSU’s associate director of strength and conditioning, shares a powerful message for high school strength coaches.
Mental Health First Aid Training for Strength Coaches
Mental Health First Aid Training for Strength Coaches
After 20 years of mistakes and heartbreaks, I’ve learned that we need to do better when it comes to mental health training for our student-athletes. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution, but we can start to do better by being more empathetic.
The Mind-Muscle Link
The Mind-Muscle Link
You must slow down to truly get a feel for the mind-muscle connection. I know some of you who do slow-motion reps or time under tension think you do not need to slow down. Well, then, this article is ESPECIALLY for you!
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #18 with Vincent Dizenzo, Matt Rhodes, and Jim Wendler
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #18 with Vincent Dizenzo, Matt Rhodes, and Ji...
Watch out, Dave — there’s a new host in town. Actually, there are 3 hosts in town, and they’re taking over Table Talk Podcast while Dave is on vacation. Expect some wild stories with Vincent Dizenzo, Matt Rhodes, and Jim Wendler as they answer your questions.
Simple 8-Week Barbell and Bike Conditioning Program
Simple 8-Week Barbell and Bike Conditioning Program
Tired of the same old training program? Want a break from your normal training specificity? Why not mix things up with this program? All you’ll need is a barbell, plates, a bike, a box for squatting, and a bench.
Now THAT'S What I Call Impressive!
Now THAT'S What I Call Impressive!
Not everyone is as lucky as me when it comes to seeing some of the most amazing moments in powerlifting. Since that’s the case, I’m sharing memories from the archives starring Chuck Vogelpohl, George Halbert, Steve Goggins, Travis Rogers, and Oleksandr Kutcher.
The Allure of Powerlifting
The Allure of Powerlifting
What is it about powerlifting that draws people to it like a magnet? Is it the parts of us that start as iron ore and are melted down into knurled steel through training? Is it a religion we worship? What power does powerlifting have over us?
Don't Peak Too Soon: Strongman Training 2 Weeks Out
Don't Peak Too Soon: Strongman Training 2 Weeks Out
You have to learn that 2 weeks before the competition, you aren’t going to get stronger. All you can really do is screw things up. Don’t lift 1RMs; instead, deload or train with lighter weights. You want to peak at the competition, not in training.
The Ghost in the Machine
The Ghost in the Machine
Your body is like a race car. Even the best race cars break and wear parts down. When one of those things breaks, it, in turn, puts added pressure on other parts, which are then at risk of breaking. Take your foot off the gas pedal every now again and recover.
Happy 4th of July from elitefts!
Happy 4th of July from elitefts!
This Fourth of July weekend, the S5 Compound will be the training grounds for elitefts athlete Meana Albersworth, who's working on getting her lifts up for her upcoming meet. Enjoy the fireworks and hot dog eating contests. May your gains be great!
Strength and Conditioning is Failing: Solutions to the Problems
Strength and Conditioning is Failing: Solutions to the Problems
In the first three parts of this series, I discussed the current failings of the strength and conditioning fields. In this fourth and final installment, I’ll try my best to solve some of these problems — something that could very well take decades but needs to be done.
Strength and Conditioning is Failing: Certifications and Qualifications
Strength and Conditioning is Failing: Certifications and Qualifications
Previously, I’ve discussed relationships with sports coaches and administrators. In Part 3 of this series, I’ll cover some of the biggest issues and names in our field: certification, qualifications, the NCAA, NSCA, and CSCCa.
Xpress Fitness: Your Family-Friendly Neighborhood Gym
Xpress Fitness: Your Family-Friendly Neighborhood Gym
Xpress Fitness, located less than 2 miles away from the elitefts S5 Compound, is a product of support from the rural London, Ohio, community at all levels: family, friends, neighbors, and businesses, all built strong from the ground up.
Comfort Zones are Death Zones
Comfort Zones are Death Zones
As I start up my new job, I wanted to give younger strength and conditioning coaches some advice: Don’t be afraid to spread your wings and fly out of your comfort zone. Be bold and be brave. It will pay off at some point.
Introducing New elitefts Columnist and Coach JM Blakley
Introducing New elitefts Columnist and Coach JM Blakley
The founder of the JM Press is now part of the elitefts team. Welcome our newest columnist and coach: JM Blakley! Keep an eye out for an upcoming article he wrote about the mind-muscle connection and don't forget to follow his coaching blog.
You Might Be a Serious Powerlifter If...
You Might Be a Serious Powerlifter If...
This life we live is comprised of sheep, and it is also comprised of shepherds. Followers or leaders. The flock goes where it is directed. Shepherds set the course for the journey. Are you part of the flock? Or are you a shepherd? Are you a serious powerlifter or not?
A Fair Assessment of the CSCCa and NSCA
A Fair Assessment of the CSCCa and NSCA
Not sure if you should attend the NSCA Coaches’ Conference or the CSCCa National Conference? Which exam to take? Take a look at some of the pros and cons of each organization and figure out which is best for you.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #14 with John Meadows
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #14 with John Meadows
In this Table Talk Podcast episode, Dave Tate talks with John Meadows about accommodating resistance, putting on and maintaining muscle size, sport longevity, and more.
How to Progress in Your Strength Program
How to Progress in Your Strength Program
Ask yourself: “Is my training program based on me being strongest at every session?” If your answer is an honest yes, you might need to reconsider your program. Here’s how you can improve it.
10 Things You Can Start Doing to Extend Your Lifting Career
10 Things You Can Start Doing to Extend Your Lifting Career
To this day, I still have new members of my gym argue with me on nutrition and training, only to regret not listening later on. Follow these tips and you will not only continue to get stronger for years to come, but you will also stay injury-free.
You Can Learn Anything
You Can Learn Anything
I don’t know why my tae-kwon-do instructor did this after I told him I couldn’t afford lessons, but he said, “You’ll be back, and you’ll teach the kids’ class.” He gave me an opportunity to become a coach, which changed the direction of my life.
JL Holdsworth Pens Feature Article on T-Nation.com
JL Holdsworth Pens Feature Article on T-Nation.com
Owner of The Spot Athletics and recent elitefts seminar speaker JL Holdsworth co-wrote a feature article about the deadlift on T-Nation.com. Be sure to check it out!
Use a Hand Dynamometer to Measure Your Recovery
Use a Hand Dynamometer to Measure Your Recovery
If you aren’t sure if you’re overtraining, you could measure your jump height each day. But there’s an easier way to pinpoint if your nervous system is overloaded: the hand dynamometer. Give it a squeeze once a day — that’s all it takes!
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #12 with Joe Sullivan and Janis Finkelman
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #12 with Joe Sullivan and Janis Finkelman
In this episode of Table Talk Podcast, Dave Tate, Joe Sullivan, and Janis Finkelman talk about a variety of powerlifting topics and answer questions, both bizarre and mundane, and more.
The Monsters on My Shoulder
The Monsters on My Shoulder
I have two monsters perched on my left shoulder, whispering what-ifs and morbid thoughts and suggestions into my ear. No matter what I do, they won’t go away. That’s the most difficult part of having a mental illness.
Overcoming Isometrics: Myelination to Reach Maximum Potential
Overcoming Isometrics: Myelination to Reach Maximum Potential
During my time working under the University of Minnesota’s Cal Dietz, I saw the impact of the myelination phase in athletic performance. I also found it’s most effectively programmed with Overcoming Isometric variations of the big lifts.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #10 with Jim Wendler and Matt Rhodes
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #10 with Jim Wendler and Matt Rhodes
In this episode of Table Talk Podcast, Dave Tate, Matt Rhodes, and Jim Wendler re-watch some old training videos, talk about near-death experiences, being a strength coach, and more.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #9 with Dr. Ken Kinakin
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #9 with Dr. Ken Kinakin
In this episode of Table Talk Podcast, Dave Tate and Dr. Ken Kinakin talk about a variety of lifting-related injuries, working around and preventing said injuries, the Society of Weight-Training Injury Specialists, and more.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #8 with Tony Montgomery
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #8 with Tony Montgomery
In this episode of Table Talk Podcast, Dave Tate announces a new member of Team elitefts: Tony Montgomery. They talk about training for the U.S. Marines, running gyms, furthering education, and more.
Strength Programs Don't Work
Strength Programs Don't Work
Unless you just have some crazy genetics or happen to be the perfect person for a strength program, the majority of these programs are not a valid long-term plan. But don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater…
LISTEN: Beyond Sets and Reps Podcast #3 with Dr. Bryan Mann
LISTEN: Beyond Sets and Reps Podcast #3 with Dr. Bryan Mann
Get to know Dr. Bryan Mann, from his humble beginnings to his current position at the University of Miami, and how he became one of the leading experts on Velocity Based Training.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #6 with Dave Tate (Rant Edition)
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #6 with Dave Tate (Rant Edition)
In this episode of Table Talk Podcast, you might want to grab your headphones because Dave Tate has some choice words on a variety of topics.
How Strong is Strong Enough?
How Strong is Strong Enough?
Generally speaking, if we can get an athlete stronger, that athlete will get faster. But at what point is the athlete strong enough for continued speed improvements? I hope you weren’t looking for a quantifiable answer on this one…
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Jim Wendler's 2-Minute Conjugate Breakdown
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Jim Wendler's 2-Minute Conjugate ...
Conjugate. You keep using that word. We do not think it means what you think it means. Why is conjugate training so hard to understand? It’s not! In fact, because it’s so easy to understand, Jim Wendler can explain it in two minutes. Two minutes! It’s that simple.
Unlocking Your Muscle Chain
Unlocking Your Muscle Chain
Muscle chains are like dominoes: It’s enough for you to drop the first one, so the others fall from the power that is constantly transferred from one domino to another and then the weight takes over the job and pulls over the domino that falls and hit the next one into falling… and the next one… and the next one…
Kill Your Heroes
Kill Your Heroes
My heroes were strength athletes I admired and wanted to be like. They give us a base for the kind of person we want to become. But as we grow up, we eventually realize that our heroes are no different than us. That moment is the time to kill the heroes and rise above them.
The Leadership Parallels Between the Successful Coach and the Successful Boss
The Leadership Parallels Between the Successful Coach and the Successful...
After eight years of competing in strength sports and seven years of supervising employees, I’ve found that these parts of my life share several similarities when it comes to success. I’ve learned what makes the best coaches and bosses stand out from the rest. These three keys will help you do just that.
Ask Questions, Read, and Ask More Questions
Ask Questions, Read, and Ask More Questions
A beautiful transformation occurs when you begin to accept that difficulties are as inherent to our lives as breathing. For strength coaches, there is nothing more substantive to our daily lives than questions and books. Do you diverge from the routine?
Training Our Thought Process
Training Our Thought Process
Just the other day, I was listening to a motivational speech that got me going. That speech made it clear to me that an evolution of the thought process and perception of what training should be is how lifters and strength athletes progress to the higher levels.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #2 with JL Holdsworth
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #2 with JL Holdsworth
In this episode of Table Talk Podcast, Dave Tate and JL Holdsworth reminisce about their time at Westside Barbell, perspective and the meaning of “going all in,” figuring out band and chain percentages, and more.
12 Rules for Becoming a Better Strength Coach
12 Rules for Becoming a Better Strength Coach
These 12 rules are a culmination of experience and mistakes and were written for younger strength coaches, who I hope understand the long journey they have in front of them. While your principles are and should still be forming, it’s always a good thing to have some rules to keep you on track.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #1 with Dan Green and Andrew Herbert
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #1 with Dan Green and Andrew Herbert
In the first Table Talk Podcast episode, Dave Tate, along with guests Dan Green and Andrew Herbert, answers listeners’ questions about getting stronger at 42 years old, compound movements, key indicators for bench press, and more.
C.J. Murphy's Specialty Bar Car Show #2
C.J. Murphy's Specialty Bar Car Show #2
In my second Specialty Bar Car Show, I’m going to teach you everything I know about the Tsunami Bar, Bandbell Bar, and — one of my all-time favorites — Safety Squat Bars. If I haven’t sold you on any of these bars, remember this…
I'm Sick — Should I Train or Stay Home?
I'm Sick — Should I Train or Stay Home?
Listen: I’m no doctor or rocket scientist, but even I have enough common sense to know that if you’re feeling under the weather, you shouldn’t be lifting. You should be resting at home. Yeah, you heard me: Go home and stay home. And stay out of your fancy little garage gym, too!
General Criteria to Consider When Writing a Program
General Criteria to Consider When Writing a Program
It’s important to note that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all training protocol, and these are just some general suggestions based on a few successes and countless failures over my career that I consider when writing a program.
3 Things You'll Find in My Mental Health Toolbox
3 Things You'll Find in My Mental Health Toolbox
Like any other coach, I love talking about training and programming and being in the weight room while coaching. But like many of you, I’ve neglected the thing between my ears, and I want you to know that it’s all right to feel. If your mental health is a weakness, don’t avoid it.
WATCH: I am Ashley Jones
WATCH: I am Ashley Jones
elitefts columnist Ashley Jones is Australian by birth, a New Zealander by choice and marriage, but first and foremost, he’s a strength and conditioning coach with 40 years of experience under his belt with plenty of passion and advice to spare to future coaches.
Technically, You're Weak
Technically, You're Weak
Enough of the excuses. I’m sick of hearing them. You have the energy to roll on the floor for 45 minutes before you train, take 34 selfies, and tag the gang before you leave the gym, but you can’t spend an extra 30 minutes on your back?
5 Tips That Will Increase Any Lift
5 Tips That Will Increase Any Lift
It’s inevitable that a lifter will hit a plateau at some point or another. It’s frustrating, I know. Trust me, I’ve been there. But after 10 years of powerlifting and 14 years of strength training before that, I think I’ve unlocked some of the secrets to making gains. Here are five things that helped me increase my lifts.
Laying Out the Groundwork to Prevent Injuries
Laying Out the Groundwork to Prevent Injuries
Why are we not focusing on the mechanics? Why is this not important to more coaches and personal trainers? Why are we not laying the groundwork for these athletes to be successful? Staying healthy is a huge part of being successful and in the world of college athletics, if you are injured, you’re not playing.

Items 119 to 177 of 661 total