How to Run A Great Strongman Contest
These eight rules of contest promotion are vital to your event's success and your athletes' satisfaction. Do it right and they'll be back next time.
Are You Hearing Advice But Don't Know How to Listen?
You need someone who isn't afraid to criticize; you need to listen to what you're doing wrong.
16 Methods to Optimize Your Glute Ham Raise
We have known for years that the Glute Ham Raise (GHR) was regarded as one the best movements for the posterior chain (lower back, glutes, hamstrings and calves).
WATCH: Unilateral Lower Body Training for Sport Performance
These warm-up movements will build strength and power while keeping your body unilaterally symmetrical.
Consistency is the Name of the Game
To develop and ingrain the habits of success overlook no fine details.
Carbohydrate and Cortisol Control
I have implemented these nutritional and sleep strategies in attempts to manipulate my body into restoring a healthy hormonal profile.
Strong(her) Squat Progressions for the Novice Female Lifter
Use these cues and coaching methods to teach an inexperienced lifter how to squat safely and build a foundation for future strength.
Build a Bigger Bench: The Female Edition
The bench press is typically the weakest lift for women. It’s no mystery why—they require a targeted approach.
Speed and Conditioning for the Youth Athlete
This sample one-week program outlines training tactics for developing basic fundamental movement skills.
Just Load the Bar
Don’t build a false sense of security by relying on bands and chains. Remember this fact: straight weight trumps all.
Managing the Social Aspect of Change
Your health and fitness goals will require many sacrifices. Here’s how to ensure you don’t lose the things that truly matter.
Your Actions Are Your Lifeline
Perfect circumstances are created, not found. How are you living out your words?
The Right Tool for the Job
Strength is a journey, not a quick fix. Take the time to choose your tools correctly and create something indestructible.
Distraction Control As A Performance Enhancer
Master this skill to ensure you don’t let a lack of mental presence hinder your competitive performance.
Back to the Belt
I thought my back-injury days were over. I thought I would continue to stay healthy if I stretched and visited my chiropractor. I was wrong.
What Foundation Are You Building?
You can choose to be a wise builder or a foolish builder. You may not notice the difference at the start, but once meet day comes, there will be no way to hide a weak foundation.
4 Essential Qualities of A Badass Wrestler
If you want to be elite in this sport, there are distinct qualities you must possess. This is my guide to identifying and training those traits.
It's All About Heart and Will
There are a lot of factors involved in being a good strength athlete. From most to least important, here is my list of what you need to excel in this industry. Do you have them all?
Stay the Course
I have made the mistake of letting other programs distract me from my own. It is a waste of time and effort and I vow to never do it again.
Men's Physique — Bottom of the Pecking Order?
You may or may not like it, but your girlfriend would love to bang a Men’s Physique guy. Can you really blame her?
A Powerlifter's Guide to Wimpy Exercises
As you focus on moving maximum weight on squats, benches and deadlifts, wimpy isolation movements just don’t have a place. Or do they?
4 Secrets of Soviet Weightlifting
Principles behind training variables that helped Soviet strength athletes achieve success and longevity.
A Glimpse Into the Rebirth of Powerlifting
One doesn’t need to look that hard to see glimpses of this rebirth of powerlifting because they are all around us. I caught a glimpse (one of many) of the resurgence at the 2015 APF Chicagoland Summer Bash.
Greasing the Groove by Training the Coach
The emphasis is always on the athletes, but keep in mind, in order to be a productive leader, you must go through what you’re asking others to do.
Chad Aichs's Guaranteed-to-Work Miracle Program
Are you still searching for the holy grail of programs? Here it is, in all its perfection.
3 Reasons You Should Be Using Triphasic Training for Powerlifting
Is your program letting you down? These three aspects of Triphasic Training will repair the damage of repetitive incompetency.
So Many Stupid Reps — Just for Bodybuilders?
Julia, in conjunction with Alexander Cortes and Scott Paltos, discusses how training like a bodybuilder and adding in higher reps might help powerlifters with the big three lifts.
Acceleration Triumphs for Baseball and Softball Athletes
This comprehensive guide to sprint training will give you the drills, dynamic movement patterns, and training tools to improve acceleration and athletic power.
Newtonian Laws in Motion: Physics in the Weight Room
The three laws of motion are the roots of athlete programming. Find out how to apply these rules and improve your athletes.
GPS Tracking in the Real World: My Experiences with American Collegiate ...
GPS tracking for sport’s performance may seem overwhelming at first, but I have found with the right data and tracking methods, proper technology will yield improved performance.
Are You Overtrained or Under-Recovered?
Some people will tell you that overtraining isn’t real. Don’t listen to these people. Take the time to consider your recovery just as much as you consider your training.
To Stretch or Not: What Does Scientific Study Say About Stretching and M...
Several popular training programs call for a regimented stretching protocol as part of every workout. Is this all hype, or could it be the secret to your next 25 pounds of muscle?
Fourteen and Broken: The Female Athlete
Discourage injuries through coaching basics that will appropriately prep your athletes for the field and weight room.
Training the Inner Drive
Your career in this world of strength will only go as far as your desire to win. Lose that, and you lose any chance you ever had to succeed.
Expanding My Circle of Training Knowledge
There is a well-known saying in our industry: information in strength and conditioning doubles every eighteen months. How will you keep up?
Do Your Records Mean Anything?
There’s a lot of hatred thrown around when a lifter hits a federation record. Should we be celebrating the PR with them?
Did You Win or Lose the Day?
Build your winning culture the same way you build in the weight room: every session, every set, and every rep leading to game day.
Solving the Summer Challenges of Coaching Collegiate Athletes
With summer programming for athletes, control what you can control and don’t sweat the rest.
The Quick Fix: Simple Ways to Conquer Common Powerlifting Mistakes
You might need a long-term progression to overcome nagging pains and to increase your lifts. Or maybe you just need these simple tips.
Have We Lost Trust in Our Foundation?
In your search of what is new and exciting, do not forget the principles that are proven to produce success.
How I Use CTP Training to Force Frequency and Intensity
When I tore my rotator cuff, I transitioned to more concentrated stimuli and a higher frequency per muscle group to avoid being forced to reduce my training intensity.
Gain Upper Power Using Pin Presses With Molly Edwards
Training partner bailed again? Molly Edwards shows you why you shouldn’t throw out your bench workout due to no spotter, but instead do pin presses and let the power rack be your spotter.
The Hardcore Underground: Lifting in the Shadiest Gym of the Industriali...
We gave up the glamour and comfort of a commercial gym. Here in our dungeon, 15-feet underground, we’ve found the secret to building strength.
It's Not Just Five Pounds: Understanding Personal Records
When you’re chipping away at that all-time PR, every pound matters.
Powerlifting is a Science. Be the Scientist.
Approach your training and your progress with the mindset of a problem-solver. Sometimes this means asking others for help and sometimes this means figuring shit out for yourself.
Lateral Lunges
Athletes are always changing direction on their playing field; start training in a different plane of motion to increase athleticism.
Promoting Powerlifting to Young Lifters
Having the opportunity to bring up the next generation of strength athletes is a task as much as a privilege. Use your influence wisely.
Bodybuilders Dying Young: Are Steroids to Blame?
Doctors and strength athletes frequently argue over the effects (good and bad) of performance-enhancing drugs, but some facts aren’t debatable.
Mythbusters 101: Don't Fall for These Fallacies
Bad information is passed from lifter to lifter, website to website. Let’s end the charade.
4 Ways to Test Your Grit in the Weightroom
If you can survive these challenges it will be good for…but it won’t feel that way.
Understanding Huge
Pack in the calories and pack on the pounds. Does your stomach have what it takes to eat like Chad Aichs?
elitefts™ Reverse Band Hack Squats
John Meadows performs a Hack Squat with a Reverse Band alteration. Add Hack Squat to your training regime and also incorporate band or chain variations.
Of Levers and Lifting
The human body is a system of levers. When we understand the concepts of these mechanisms, we then increase our force-production capabilities.
Harnessing the Placebo Effect: If You Care, You’ll Lie to Me
What if I gave you a singular technique that would improve your athletic performance in any way you wanted?
Building the Yoke: Utilize the Function of the Upper Traps
Stop thinking of your traps and start thinking of your clavicles.
Why Compete?
Experts weigh in on the reasons behind all of training pain and preparation of competing in a strength sport.
The Results from an Off-Season of a Low Dosing Training Protocol
We cut the time in the gym and on the field, hoping to increase efficiency. Now we find out: did it work?