Your “Other T” Levels
Testosterone isn’t the only “T” that’s driving internal health and performance. Meet the thyroid, the main metabolism gland in your body. It’s in charge of influencing food consumption and the amount of energy strength sports athletes have to hit new PRs and doing daily tasks.
WATCH: UGSS John Meadows Presentation — Getting Ripped
Play your cards wisely. Once you use them, you can’t get them back.
The Thyroid — Regulator of Your Metabolic Fate
It may be small, but this endocrine organ controls whether you can eat ice cream and be lean or eat a salad and be overweight. How can you know if yours is operating properly?
Recovering from the Stressors of Contest Prep — Hormone Replacement Therapy
I feared a life without training. When I saw that fear become a reality, I knew it was time to seek professional help.