Elitefts™ Anti-Rotational Drills (Pallof Press)
Elitefts™ Anti-Rotational Drills (Pallof Press)
Two variations of the Pallof Press performed with elitefts™ pro bands and blast straps™
Long Spud Strap Ab Pulldown
This exercise, like most sporting activities, is done standing which all of the “sport specific” guys will love.
Abdominal Fall Out with Blast Straps
Abdominal Fall Out with Blast Straps
Begin this exercise in the same position as the suspended push-up.
Stability Ball Knee In's
Stability Ball Knee In’s
Plate Knee Tucks
Plate Knee Tucks
This is another great exercise to do with limited equipment or with beginner athletes.
Plank With March
Plank With March
Perform the plank by holding yourself on your elbows and toes, keeping your body in a straight line
Plank With Band
Plank With Band
The plank exercise is a simple, yet difficult exercise that will work on the stabilization of the abdominal muscles.
Plank with Alternating Arm
Plank with Alternating Arm
Perform the plank by holding yourself on your elbows and toes, keeping your body in a straight line.
Partner Leg Lifts
Partner Leg Lifts
This is an old favorite from high school.
Hanging Leg Raise
Hanging Leg Raise
This exercise is designed to strengthen your abdominals.
Leverage Double Rotations
Leverage Double Rotations
The double bar version loads the rotation more and on this version I definitely prefer the natural rotation of the feet.
I’m not going to explain this exercise because everyone has done it before and there are a million places and people (at the gym, on the internet, on DVD’s, your grandmother) that will tell you how to do this exercise.
Abdominal Wheel
Abdominal Wheel
This isn’t an exercise for everyone as it requires great core strength.
Russian Twist with Sledge
Russian Twist with Sledge
Leave it to Martin Rooney to show me a bunch of stuff I have never seen before.
Don’t let the name fool you. This is a very difficult ab exercise.
Russian Twist with Sledge
Russian Twist with Sledge
Leave it to Martin Rooney to show me a bunch of stuff I have never seen before.
DB Torso Rotations on a Swiss Ball
DB Torso Rotations on a Swiss Ball
Hips up and posterior chain engaged throughout the movement.
Side Plank
Side Plank
This version of the plank will target the obliques.
Side Plank with Band
Side Plank with Band
For this exercise, you can attach a band to the bottom of the power rack.
Side Plank with Inside Leg Raise
Side Plank with Inside Leg Raise
This version of the side plank is more difficult than the standard version.
Side Plank with Top Leg Raise
Side Plank with Top Leg Raise
This version of the side plank is more difficult than the standard version.
Side Raise on GHR
Side Raise on GHR
The Side Raise on the GHR is a great movement for the Side Obliques.
Side Swing with Sledge Hammer
Side Swing with Sledge Hammer
This is great for developing rotational power.
Side to Side Push up
Side to Side Push up
The lifter will perform a typical push-up and while in the bottom position will push to the left and to the right and then back to center and finish at lockout, repeat.
Braced Squats - Version 2
Braced Squats - Version 2
Maintain upright, neutral torso posture throughout the execution of squat.
Braced Squats - Version 1
Braced Squats - Version 1
Torso Stability and Coordination
Sledge - One Arm Around Head
Sledge - One Arm Around Head
This is a great shoulder mobility movement and serves as a great warm up exercise
Side Plank with Kettlebell
Side Plank with Kettlebell
Perform a side plank and hold a kettlebell in your top hand, with your arm extended straight.
Squatting Med Ball Throw
Squatting Med Ball Throw
This is one variation of throwing a medicine ball.
Spread Eagle Sit Ups with Med Ball
Spread Eagle Sit Ups with Med Ball
This one is as old school as you can get.
Windshield Wipers
Windshield Wipers
Torso Strength and Stability Supplemental Means
Keg Loading (rotational)
Keg Loading (rotational)
Stand next to a higher object (table, barrel, tires, etc).
Short Spud Strap Ab Pulldowns
Short Spud Strap Ab Pulldowns
I tried really hard to like ab pulldowns.
Reverse Cable Side Bends
This movement is performed on your standard lat machine with the use of a single D-handle.
Cable Zercher Squat
Cable Zercher Squat
The Zercher squat has been one of the biggest secrets of powerlifters over the years.
Bent Over Cable Press
I will admit it. This is one movement I discovered just screwing around in the gym.
Blast Strap Side Bends
Blast Strap Side Bends
These are pretty tough.
Suitcase Deadlift
Suitcase Deadlift
Place the bar on the floor or on the safety pins of a power rack.
Barbell Rotational Abs- Elbows In
I love this exercise. It’s a great rotational ab exercise that powerlifters and athletes alike should use.
Barbell Abs- Arms Straight
Hold the collar of the barbell with both hands, interlocking your fingers for a good grip.
Leverage Abs - Lying
Lie down on the ground and have someone hand you the bar.
Side Bends w/ Band
Side Bends w/ Band
Hook a band underneath the power rack.
Leg Raises with Mini Band (med ball)
Leg Raises with Mini Band (med ball)
Loop a mini band to a power rack or other stable piece of equipment.
GHR Ab Crunch
GHR Ab Crunch
This is a great ab exercise. It works really well on a glute ham raise because of the curved pad, but if you can find another piece of equipment to do it on, by all means, get creative!
Torso Training – Part 3: Advanced Training Exercises
Torso Training – Part 3: Advanced Training Exercises
In the past two articles, we have given you ideas and progressions for strengthening your torso. As you know by now, strong abs isn’t all that is needed.
Torso Training – Part 2: Basic Rotational Exercises
Torso Training – Part 2: Basic Rotational Exercises
In this article, the second in our Torso Training series, we will cover rotational exercises that don’t specifically target the rectus ab.
Torso Training for Athletes, Part 1: The Basics
Torso Training for Athletes, Part 1: The Basics
What is torso training? Torso training is strengthening your body from just above the hips to just below the chest. Training your torso involves many movements, but can be done effectively in just a few minutes, 3-4 times per week.

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