The Harsh Realities of Training Athletes 
The Harsh Realities of Training Athletes 
Every profession has something to prepare for… Here are 10 things to consider as a new coach.
Don't Touch the Bar
Don't Touch the Bar
The art of bro lifting has infiltrated the ranks of strength coaching like never before. What in the world are we teaching these kids?
Teaching the Squat, Bench, and Deadlift to Athletes
Teaching the Squat, Bench, and Deadlift to Athletes
Do you teach them the squat, bench, and deadlift the same way you would teach a powerlifter? If not, what differences are there?
Strength Coach Ego Check: Rediscover Who You Are
Strength Coach Ego Check: Rediscover Who You Are
I had a conversation with Coach Jeff Ward that not only humbled me, but shook me to my core. I thought I had been focused on convictions, but ego had slipped into the driver’s seat.
WATCH: elitefts Fitness Professional Summit — DeFranco's Story and How to Start Your Career in Fitness
WATCH: elitefts Fitness Professional Summit — DeFranco's Story and ...
Answer two questions about yourself, go do shit, and be prepared for the hard work to not always be gratifying immediately. Then you’re on your way.
The Swing Block Method for High School Coaches
The Swing Block Method for High School Coaches
After publication of the Swing Block Method, emails came non-stop from coaches asking how to implement the program in their schools. Here is the answer. The program within will give your team the greatest strength results it has ever seen.
The Need for Flexibility in Exercise Selection and Progression
The Need for Flexibility in Exercise Selection and Progression
It’s interesting — as strength coaches, we constantly talk about the need for good programming and consistency, but having flexibility is undoubtedly a key component.
What Are You Trying to Build?
What Are You Trying to Build?
When you say “culture”, are you sure you know what you’re referring to? Here’s what this word means to our program.
Determining Exercise Value
Determining Exercise Value
Do you know how to properly evaluate a program or the exercises that make it up?
Who Influences You?
Who Influences You?
How you learn and who you listen to will determine whether or not you keep growing in this industry.
The Murkiness of High School Prep: Are Collegiate Athletes Prepared?
The Murkiness of High School Prep: Are Collegiate Athletes Prepared?
How prepared are freshmen athletes for the rigors of strength and conditioning at the collegiate level? A recent survey asked this question and the results are in contention.
Peak Velocity and Olympic Lifts
Peak Velocity and Olympic Lifts
Determine what factors matter and measure accordingly. For the clean and jerk, and snatch, this may mean a need to reevaluate the implications of average velocity.
Are You Playing the Blame Game in Education and Athletics?
Are You Playing the Blame Game in Education and Athletics?
A culture shift has robbed us of personal accountability. It’s time for a change.
'Tis the (Basketball) Season
'Tis the (Basketball) Season
Build it in the gym, show it on the court -- sample programs to condition your ballers.
Compatible Coaching in a Non-Compatible Setting
Compatible Coaching in a Non-Compatible Setting
How to alter programming to fit the needs of your athletes.
Musings from the Coach's Desk
Musings from the Coach's Desk
Lessons from the gym transferred to life.
Coaches Should Ditch These Nonsense Training Beliefs
Coaches Should Ditch These Nonsense Training Beliefs
Being a coach requires more than just body-slamming fans who storm the field.
Don't Let Your Mentorship Sink
Don't Let Your Mentorship Sink
If you don't accept average, neither will your students or athletes.
Recruiting From Within the Weightroom
Recruiting From Within the Weightroom
Your first impression defines the coach-athlete relationship that determines your program's success.
Having the Courage to Put Your Program Under the Microscope
Having the Courage to Put Your Program Under the Microscope
Being open to criticism from an experienced coach may be what you need to build a better program.
Throw Out Your Science Books
Throw Out Your Science Books
Insights from the 2014 NSCA Pennsylvania State Conference.
Protect the Neck
Protect the Neck
Use this testing and training program to reduce your athlete-concussion rate.
Team Sports Are Not About Individual Glory
Team Sports Are Not About Individual Glory
What do you do when a win for yourself is a loss for your team?
Keep Your Head Above Water
Keep Your Head Above Water
Strength and conditioning for swimming.
State of the Profession
State of the Profession
Strength and conditioning is constantly evolving, never at a faster rate than now.
A Day in the Life of a Strength Coach
A Day in the Life of a Strength Coach
A top-tier coach shares a normal day at the DI level.
The Small-Sided Game
The Small-Sided Game
The perfect in-season training strategy to save time and get results.
Confidence or Competence?
Confidence or Competence?
Which of these drives the success of a program?
Use Your Inside Voice and Be Front Stage
Use Your Inside Voice and Be Front Stage
A lot of people on this planet can read what you wrote, so choose your words carefully.
The Development of a Multi-Year System of Training for Collegiate Football Players
The Development of a Multi-Year System of Training for Collegiate Footba...
University of North Texas Coach explains his specialized multi-year system of training for his champion collegiate athletes.
The Muscle Research Proposal Process
The Muscle Research Proposal Process
Those guys involved with the Manhattan Project did not have to deal with the politics and bureaucracy of modern day musclehead research. This guide will help you get that doctoral dissertation moving forward.
The Devil Is in the Details
The Devil Is in the Details
Does your focus on the big training picture make you miss the details that can ensure your success?
The Research Meathead: Training to Failure
The Research Meathead: Training to Failure
Train to Failure, or Not Train to Failure? That is the Question!
Training with Purpose: Strength Training Considerations for Athletes
Training with Purpose: Strength Training Considerations for Athletes
The term strength and conditioning usually brings visions of a meathead coach loading plates, spotting athletes, and screaming motivational words.
Coach G: What Are Your Goals?
Coach G: What Are Your Goals?
The first thing you should do before every journey is figure out how you will reach the final destination.
The Flexible Periodization Method: Out of Sight, Out of Mind? (Part 2)
The Flexible Periodization Method: Out of Sight, Out of Mind? (Part 2)
The unexplored advantages of respiratory muscle training (RMT).
Training with Purpose: Rebuilding
Training with Purpose: Rebuilding
I need to use my coaching eyes when I look at my own training.
The Practical Paradigm: Threshold of Adaptation
The Practical Paradigm: Threshold of Adaptation
The long-term development of an athlete should always be in the forefront of every training program.
No Bullsh*t: Basic High/Low Training Approach for Athletes
No Bullsh*t: Basic High/Low Training Approach for Athletes
Many times you have to work with what you have in front of you.
By the Coach for the Coach: An Interview with Andrew Paul
By the Coach for the Coach: An Interview with Andrew Paul
This month, I will hand over the reins to a good friend and great coach and listen to a great mind, Andrew Paul!
The Flexible Periodization Method: Out of Sight, Out of Mind?
The Flexible Periodization Method: Out of Sight, Out of Mind?
Respiratory muscle training may be the weak link in your training program.
Training with Purpose: Individualization
Training with Purpose: Individualization
When it comes to training athletes, certain individualities need to be considered.
Training with Purpose: Possible, Useful, Appropriate
Training with Purpose: Possible, Useful, Appropriate
By examining your training and categorizing your movements, you can prioritize to achieve results.
Coach G: There Isn't Any Wizard
Coach G: There Isn't Any Wizard
All of these weird creatures were trying to go see someone they did not know to ask him to give them something they already had.
Five Dysfunctions of a Team
Five Dysfunctions of a Team
Here are the five dysfunctions of a team and how they relate to strength and conditioning.
By the Coach for the Coach: Rules for Being a Strength Coach
By the Coach for the Coach: Rules for Being a Strength Coach
This is where the art of coaching comes into the picture.
Coach G: Back to the Basics
Coach G: Back to the Basics
Have confidence in your abilities, program, ideas, and gut feelings.
A Lion in Iron: Always Ask Questions
A Lion in Iron: Always Ask Questions
While education is hugely important, another part of learning is the ability to ask effective questions.
Conditioning to Develop the Physically Dominant Rugby Player
Conditioning to Develop the Physically Dominant Rugby Player
Depending on the position you play, the type and level of fitness that you require may differ.
Questioning Training Methodologies
Questioning Training Methodologies
It is imperative that we don’t become narrow-minded and biased when choosing how we train our athletes.
Using Videos and Pictures to Get Athletes to Buy In
Using Videos and Pictures to Get Athletes to Buy In
Getting athletes to believe in their training program can be a tough task.
How I Started a Hardcore Strength and Conditioning Gym in the UK
How I Started a Hardcore Strength and Conditioning Gym in the UK
There are some things that reading and education can’t buy.
Managing the Training Process: Practical Considerations for Coaches
Managing the Training Process: Practical Considerations for Coaches
While strength and conditioning coaches need to keep their athletes in proper shape throughout the year, they must also be conscious and realistic about their players’ needs.
Short-Term Periodization: Get More Bang for Your Buck
Short-Term Periodization: Get More Bang for Your Buck
Short, off-seasons mean one thing: you must get the most out of every workout. Here’s how.

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