Swede Crushers for Strong Lats, Big Triceps and a Monster Bench
Swede Crushers for Strong Lats, Big Triceps and a Monster Bench
Elitefts Coach & Columnist Swede Burns demonstrates and coaches "Swede Crushers", which Swede refers to as a hybrid between rolling tricep extensions and the JM press. The purpose is to build both the triceps and the lats. Swede coaches Tragen Moore on how to do Swede Crushers to increase his bench press.  
12 Exercises to Build Massive Triceps for Your Bench Press
12 Exercises to Build Massive Triceps for Your Bench Press
If you’re looking to have massive arms, a respectable bench press, and just fill out that elitefts T-shirt, these should get you well on your way.
7 Intermediate Bench Hacks
7 Intermediate Bench Hacks
Pick one or two of these hacks, run them for about two months, and see where it takes your bench. Hack #4 was a tremendous help getting my raw bench to the best it’s ever felt.
WATCH: JM Blakley's Ultimate 6-Rep Triceps Workout
WATCH: JM Blakley's Ultimate 6-Rep Triceps Workout
Even though it’s 6 reps, you might want to tell the person who wants to use the cable machine they’ll have to wait a bit. This exercise puts the burn in slow burn.
5-Week Triceps Program for Bigger Arms
5-Week Triceps Program for Bigger Arms
This five-week program provides a balanced approach to adding triceps size. Get ready to stretch those sleeves.
Chest, Shoulder, and Triceps Workout of the Day with 30-10-30 Cable Presses
Chest, Shoulder, and Triceps Workout of the Day with 30-10-30 Cable Presses
There are only two sets here but with a significant emphasis on the eccentric on the first and last rep. Select a weight in which you can get 12-14 reps. Begin each set with a 30-second negative, followed by 10 normal tempo reps, finishing with a final 30-second negative.
Workout of the Day: Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps with Mark Dugdale
Workout of the Day: Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps with Mark Dugdale
1. Incline Bench Press 2. Banded Dumbbell Flat Bench 3. Dips with Chains and Machine Flyes 4. Shoulder Press and High Lateral Plate Raises 5. Machine Laterals 6. Rear Delt Swings and Close Grip Bench — click to see the sets, reps, and equipment I used for this chest, shoulders, and triceps workout.
Powerlifting for the Bodybuilder — The Triceps
Powerlifting for the Bodybuilder — The Triceps
Just as powerlifters can benefit from bodybuilding movements, so can bodybuilders benefit from powerlifting movements. Today we’re looking at the triceps – a muscle group that I really struggle with and, as a result, have spent a lot of time studying and training.
Skip’s Tips for Training Each Muscle Group
Skip’s Tips for Training Each Muscle Group
There are a lot of great tips, but these are what I consider the best for training back, shoulders, chest, triceps, biceps, calves, legs, and abs.
Building the Bench, Piece by Piece
Building the Bench, Piece by Piece
This article gives you the 12 best exercises to build mass in the necessary areas for a stronger bench press. Body-part by body-part, exercise by exercise, it’s all here.
A Call to Arms Series: Terrorizing the Triceps — Cluster Sets
A Call to Arms Series: Terrorizing the Triceps — Cluster Sets
Instead of the crusty old three sets of 12, use the same weight for this method. WARNING: Not for those who lack testicular fortitude.
A Call to Arms Series: Terrorizing the Triceps — The Ultimate Superset
A Call to Arms Series: Terrorizing the Triceps — The Ultimate Superset
Over the next few weeks I am going to introduce you to some of my favorite hypertrophy training techniques for arms. Let’s start with the triceps.
Wenis and Wagina Training: Elbow Position Is Everything
Wenis and Wagina Training: Elbow Position Is Everything
Are you conscious of where you’re placing your elbows during presses, rows, flyes, curls, and pullovers?
A Powerlifter's Guide to Wimpy Exercises
A Powerlifter's Guide to Wimpy Exercises
As you focus on moving maximum weight on squats, benches and deadlifts, wimpy isolation movements just don’t have a place. Or do they?
Add Bands To An Old School Assistance Exercise To Help Your Bench
Add Bands To An Old School Assistance Exercise To Help Your Bench
Looking for a twist on an old classic to get your bench moving? Look no further
Save a Newbie
Save a Newbie
Remember all those things you wish you would have known when you started? Maybe we should do more than laugh at the guy across the gym doing machine decline iso-lateral presses.
Molly Edwards' Tricep Circuit
Molly Edwards' Tricep Circuit
Trouble locking out? Bigger triceps will help your bench and overhead press. Molly Edwards shows us how to develop them in a triset
DB Floor Presses with Ted Toalston
DB Floor Presses with Ted Toalston
Take the load off your shoulders while still pressing massive weight with DB floor presses.
How To Use The SS Yoke Bar For Your Triceps
How To Use The SS Yoke Bar For Your Triceps
Now you can use the yoke bar to help your bench. What can’t you use it for?
4 Weeks To Bigger Arms
4 Weeks To Bigger Arms
A very simple four-week training block to put some size on your arms, help stabilize your basic lifts and increase overall strength.
What Muscle Proportions Create the Ideal Aesthetic Physique?
What Muscle Proportions Create the Ideal Aesthetic Physique?
These illustrations from Reddit user /u/Chicken_Mcfugget demonstrate the impact of small muscular changes.
Short Explanation: Triceps Anatomy
Short Explanation: Triceps Anatomy
There are three heads to your triceps, but none of them are the 'short head.'
WATCH: Swiss Press Bar Triceps Extension w/ Chains
WATCH: Swiss Press Bar Triceps Extension w/ Chains
Scott Yard performs a lying triceps extension with an EliteFTS™ Swiss Press Bar and chains
Old-School Horseshoe Training
Old-School Horseshoe Training
I mix Mountain Dog and Westside to stretch the shirt sleeves.
Elitefts™ Triceps Training Techniques with Dave Tate
Elitefts™ Triceps Training Techniques with Dave Tate
Dave Tate explains and demonstrates an exercise variation for a seated triceps dip machine, the JM Press with the Swiss Bar and Chains, and a mechanical drop set of Tricep Pushdowns
MAG Grip Chain Extensions
MAG Grip Chain Extensions
Mark Dugdale demonstrates how to perform Chain Extensions with a MAG Grip attachment
3 Mobility Drills for Olympic Weightlifters
3 Mobility Drills for Olympic Weightlifters
While being coached by Leo Totten and Mike Gattone at the NSCA National Conference, they finally got me to the point where I could actually catch a clean.
Muscle Mace Push Downs
Muscle Mace Push Downs
Elitefts.com Founder Dave Tate demonstrates how to us the Elitefts muscle mace for triceps pushdowns.
One Arm Lying Tricep Extension with Muscle Mace & Chains
One Arm Lying Tricep Extension with Muscle Mace & Chains
Elitefts.com Founder Dave Tate demonstrates how to us the Elitefts muscle mace with chain extensions
Close Grip Bench Press with Shoulder Saver Bar
Close Grip Bench Press with Shoulder Saver Bar
Dave Tate performs Close Grip Bench Press cluster set with the EliteFTS Shoulder Saver Bar
Slayer Bar JM Press with Chains
Slayer Bar JM Press with Chains
Dave Tate performs a modified JM press using a Slayer Bar
Reverse Band Bench Toss
I’ve seen bench press throws prescribed by several coaches over the years, but personally I never liked the idea of tossing a barbell up in the air and catching it.
Econo Core Blaster Leverage Press
Double set using two different grips.
Tricep Dips
Spoon Press
Spoon Press
Notice how big JL is and how small those dumbbells are.
How Shelby Maintains His Huge Pipes
How Shelby Maintains His Huge Pipes
John’s workouts are taking my physique to a whole new level.
Reverse Band Bench Press
Reverse Band Bench Press
Got a crappy lockout? These will set you straight.
Swiss Bar Tricep Extensions
Swiss Bar Tricep Extensions
Another great exercise with the swiss bar.
Swiss Bar Clean and Press
Swiss Bar Clean and Press
Take a narrow grip, clean the bar up to your shoulders and then press overhead.
Weighted Bench Dips
Weighted Bench Dips with video.
Swiss Bar Military Press
Swiss Bar Military Press
The Swiss Bar military press is a great exercise to improve the strength of your shoulders and triceps.
Swiss Bar Floor Press with Chains
Swiss Bar Floor Press with Chains
The Swiss Bar is good friends with the chains.
Reverse-Grip Bench Press
Reverse-Grip Bench Press
Video demonstration of the reverse grip bench press.
JM Floor Press with Chains
JM Floor Press with Chains
Kids, don’t try this at home.
Fat Bar Bench With Chains
Fat Bar Bench With Chains
A pain-free bench press.
Close Grip 2 Board Press
Good for the bench, good for the soul.
Floor Press With Chains And Foam
Video demonstration of Floor Press With Chains And Foam.
Foam Floor Press
Foam Floor Press
Video demonstration of the foam floor press.
Tricep Rope Finisher
Tricep Rope Finisher
Great Triceps Finisher
Zig Zag Extensions with Chains
Zig Zag Extensions with Chains
Video demonstration of Zig Zag Extensions with Chains.
Half Rep Rope Extensions
Half Rep Rope Extensions
Video demonstration of Half Rep Rope Extensions.
Incline DB Press (elbows in)
Incline DB Press (elbows in)
Decline Band Push Ups
Decline Band Push Ups
Decline Band Push Ups
Reverse Band Press (foam)
Reverse Band Press (foam)
Reverse Band Press using foam
Barbell Push Ups
Barbell Push ups using chain
Chain Press WO (with foam)
Chain Press Training with manpon (foam)

Items 1 to 59 of 117 total
