The Integration of Unilateral and Bilateral Movements to Assist in Stren...
The program within is called One Big, One Small—there is one major movement, and a secondary movement supports this major movement. It can be used by anyone irrespective of sport or training goal to improve performance or get bigger and stronger.
Unilateral Movements to Help Heal Nagging Injuries
I recently realized I’ve been looking at my back injury the wrong way all along. I needed to simplify the way I was thinking about it.
WATCH: Unilateral Lower Body Training for Sport Performance
These warm-up movements will build strength and power while keeping your body unilaterally symmetrical.
Unilateral Strength Training: Experts' Roundtable
If you want to get strong as hell, you’d better not overlook unilateral (single limb) strength training. These exercises offer the perfect complement to your bilateral (double leg/arm ) movements to help keep your strength gains plentiful.