How My Wife Ruined Muscle Beach
How My Wife Ruined Muscle Beach
After forty years as a bodybuilder, Skip finally made it to the iconic Muscle Beach. His experience was anything but epic…
You Can't Out-Train Processed Foods
You Can't Out-Train Processed Foods
My time spent in Italty resulted in the opposite of what happens to Elizabeth Gilbert in “Eat Pray Love.” I didn’t gain weight — I lost weight. The more I thought about it, the weight loss probably came from the quality of food in Italy. No ultra-processed foods here!
So You Want to Be A Collegiate Strength Coach: Untold Truths of the Job
So You Want to Be A Collegiate Strength Coach: Untold Truths of the Job
Here are some rarely discussed things to keep in mind when asking yourself if you really want to become a collegiate strength and conditioning coach.
Why Bodybuilders Have a Love/Hate Relationship with Vacations
Why Bodybuilders Have a Love/Hate Relationship with Vacations
I get asked a lot about what to do about workouts, diet, etc., while on vacation. My response?
The Weekend Getaway From Hell
The Weekend Getaway From Hell
Sometimes getting away is great. This wasn’t one of those times.
10 Things You Need for Vacation Training
10 Things You Need for Vacation Training
When I travel and have no idea what type of gym I will have access to.

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