More recently, as a result of various social media platforms, some things seem to have gained popularity because one or two highly esteemed lifters or coaches with powerful spheres of influence begin to do them.
3 Easy Ways to Be a Better Training Partner (Even as a Newbie!)
3 Easy Ways to Be a Better Training Partner (Even as a Newbie!)
You don’t have to be an expert lifter to make your training partners better. You just have to always be actively watching and engaged in training. Here is how you can be an asset to your group — even as a newer lifter.
The Vault: Do the Stuff You Suck At
The Vault: Do the Stuff You Suck At
Do you ever wonder where your weak points come from? What to learn how to overcome them? This FREE resource is for you…
Newcomer Conjugate Method Lessons
Newcomer Conjugate Method Lessons
From the early stages of my time with the conjugate method, here are the biggest benefits I’ve found.
Common Behaviors of Lifters Who Know How to Improve
Common Behaviors of Lifters Who Know How to Improve
Lifters who succeed share a lot of qualities — and so do lifters who fail. I’d challenge you to honestly evaluate how closely you fall on the spectrum of each of these qualities.
Beginners and the Accountability Weakness
Beginners and the Accountability Weakness
Early in your powerlifting journey, this is the only weak point you need to concern yourself with.
Find Your Weak Points By Becoming Strong
Find Your Weak Points By Becoming Strong
Before getting hung up on specific weaknesses and special exercises, try this simple approach first.
Rehab and Training: Forward-Thinking Prevention, Retrospective-Thinking Treatment
Rehab and Training: Forward-Thinking Prevention, Retrospective-Thinking ...
You’re always going to be in one of the three phases of training. Your goal is to find a way to stay in Phase One as long as possible while avoiding Phase Three at all costs.
WATCH: Dave Tate Weak Point Training with elitefts Interns
WATCH: Dave Tate Weak Point Training with elitefts Interns
The summer interns at elitefts sit down with Dave for a post-training chalk talk.
6 Ways To Increase Strength
6 Ways To Increase Strength
Six REAL factors to getting strong, not the same crap we’ve read over and over… and over again. Seriously, how many times do we have to be told to train hard, be consistent, follow a program and eat right? Those may not even matter anyhow but these do.
Do You Have The Truman Factor?
Do You Have The Truman Factor?
Little known fact: despite those whole "atomic bomb incidents," Truman deadlifted sumo.
The Problem of Oversimplification
The Problem of Oversimplification
With a complex organism such as the human body, answers to questions must contain a broad analysis covering various components.
3 Common Deadlift Mistakes
3 Common Deadlift Mistakes
We give you three easy fixes and a program to put your stubborn deadlift back on track to PRs.
Beast Reality: Shitty Days
Beast Reality: Shitty Days
It is hard to admit to ourselves that we may need to bow down to the demons to allow ourselves the time to recharge.
A Lion in Iron: It's Not That Complicated (Part 4)
A Lion in Iron: It's Not That Complicated (Part 4)
If you have time to answer texts and play angry birds, then you are probably not meant for this.
Fat Man Conditioning
Fat Man Conditioning
I’m a fat man at heart. I eat a lot. Five reps is “high-rep” work for me.

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