My body is rebelling against me right now. I've got aches and pains in my knees and hips and my back is sore most days. I don't know if it's the changes in my supplements, years of wear or recently reduced training that has things a mess. The discomfort has me questioning my future plans but for now, I'm going to try to keep the focus on ramping up my training as I consider things.
Hack squats
worked up to 5 plates per side for 5 sets of 10 reps
lying leg curls
90 for 5 sets of 10 reps
band walks
short mini band around feet for 4 trips of 50 feet
barbell bench
worked up to 185 plus 2 chains per side for 5 sets of 5 reps (odd-numbered sets fat gripz were used on the bar)
bench was supersetted with
cable rear delt work
I don't know what they are called but they are like a reverse fly
30 pounds for 5 sets of 10-12 reps
25s for 4 sets of 8 reps
assisted chin-ups
90 pounds of assistance for 4 sets of 10 paused reps