Decided to lower the box to 15" today from the 16" or 15.5" I've been using. Depending on how I sit on the box 14.5" or 15" is parallel. With gear I don't feel its necessary to squat to depth every week and I feel squatting a little high reduces stress on the hips.
box squats to a 15" box
worked up doing triples to 600
650 for a double
690 for a double
deadlifts - regular ole deadlifts
worked up doing singles to 635
reverse hypers
210 for 3 sets of 15 reps
hanging leg raises
3 sets of 15 reps
Everything felt really good today. My deadlift form was off slightly and the timing of my hips at lockout was delayed. I just need to do them a little more often to correct that.