Training for the Women's Pro/Am April 14th. Programming by Dave Tate in italics.



  • Warm Up
  • Hanging Leg Raise
  • Reverse Hypers
  • Pull Down Abs
  • Face Pulls
  • Low Rows
  • GHR
  • *2-4 sets (whatever you need)


  • Dynamic Effort Movement
  • Barbell Box Squats
  • + Same weight as last week
  • 6 sets of 5 reps
  • + 1-2 minutes rest between sets


Aight 235 for 6x5. I was chastised for not standing up completely between reps so I will have to keep an eye on that (or a leg on it?) in the future.


  • Supplemental Movement - 1  
  • GHR
  • + Warm ups
  • + 3 working sets with bodyweight. Make each set 3-4 reps shy of failure


Got somewhere in the high 20s, low 30s on these sets. Wow my glute ham raise reps are higher than the temperature this week. Zing.



  • Supplemental Movement - 2
  • Belt Squats
  • + warm ups
  • + ascending sets of 10 reps with 1-2 minutes between until you can’t get 10 reps anymore.  This should be 4-5 total work sets


I  kind of fucked this up and started with 2 plates then added dimes for two sets and it wasn’t enough then I added quarters for the remaining sets so uh at least I have a starting point for next time...


  • Accessory 1
  • Blue Ab Bench with very light med ball between knees with feet off floor.
  • + crush ball between legs
  • + 3 sets to failure


I just slap some weights on there so I can get about 15 reps for failure.


  • Accessory 2
  • Reverse Hypers (light and tight)
  • + 2 sets of 15-20 reps


2 plates on each side keeping my chest up and working on hitting my low back



  • Accessory 3
  • Planks pulling elbows and toes together. 6-10 sec Iso Holds.
  • + 6 sets


  • Free Time
  • Whatever you want


Cambered bar good mornings because that was the bar that was in the rack. Sets of 15. Belt squat marching. Moar abs.


  • Recovery
  • Whatever you were doing here cut 1/2


I’m currently trying to keep my recovery work to a minimum. The body can accommodate to anything, including recovery work. The only recovery I’m doing is for my low back and elbows if necessary (and if they are ok I’m not doing anything for them). Other than that, I am waiting until later in the cycle  when the weights get heavier and my body gets more fucked up to implement the recovery tools I utilized with success before my last meet.




  • Warm Up
  • Hanging Leg Raise
  • Reverse Hypers
  • Lat Pulls
  • Face Pulls
  • Pull Downs
  • GHR
  • *2-4 sets (whatever you need)

  • Max Effort Movement
  • Dumbbell Press
  • + warm up
  • + 3 sets of 15-20 reps with long rest periods (4-5 minutes). Each set should be pushed to failure.


60 lb dumbbells for sets of 15-18 (more like 18-15 since obvi it got worse each set).


  • Supplemental Movement - 1  
  • Close Grip bench Press
  • 40% of Pm for bench press for 2 sets to failure


Well the weight was light (and even lighter than last week) but I’m pretty sure my failure point is at like 33 for any light weight that I have to take to failure.


  • Accessory 1
  • Rear Delt Raises with Prone Bench
  • + 3 sets of 15 reps


20 and 25 lbs wow my rear delts are getting stronger is the rest of me getting stronger too????


  • Accessory 2
  • Dumbbell 3-Ways
  • Side Raise - 20 reps
  • Front Raise - 20 reps
  • Rear Delt Raise 20 reps
  • + no rest until round is over.
  • + 2 rounds


Ok I still have to use a dime for these so uh I guess the answer to the above question is no. I am just going to have huge rear delts that look like tumors behind my pebble shoulders.

The rear delts are shouldering the bulk of the work ahahaehaha ehhh


  • Accessory 3
  • Close Grip Low Rows (don’t care what handle)
  • + 2 sets 8-10 heavy


AGAIN trying to use my back instead of gravity by leaning back really far.


  • Free Time
  • Whatever you want


Lat pulls, t bar row, cable tricep extensions, grip work.



  • Recovery
  • Whatever you were doing here cut 1/2


Uh I had some lunch after does that count