I know you have all been waiting with bated breath to see what our new program would be like. Is it more conjugate but different? Is it undulating cybernetic block pyramid HIT training?
This will be a huge change. I haven’t done this type of training for years and definitely not since I’ve been in gear. I’ll be in gear more (suit and shirt), doing more reps, and having a separate deadlift day for the first time in forever! So it will be an adventure. I’m curious to see what will happen. Legitimately.
- Warm Up
- Hanging Leg Raise
- Reverse Hypers
- Pull Down Abs
- Face Pulls
- Low Rows
- *2-4 sets (whatever you need)
Wow my first special deadlift only day in years! I am curious to see what all this DL volume will do and I’m hoping this extra back work will sort out my recurring back issues. It will either help it or make it exponentially worse. We shall see! Haha. hehh.
- Deadlift
- + work up to 65% Pm for 2 sets of 5.
- + 8 sets of 3 speed pulls at 50%
260 5x5
Speed pulls 200
- Pulls Standing on 2 mats
- + 3 sets of 8 reps with moderate weight
235 deficits. Again this is one of those exercises where I try to keep my back in one piece and want to do more so I’m looking forward to taking it up in the coming weeks once I know all my shit will stay together.
- Bent Over Barbell Rows
- + 3 sets of 8
145 and 135 depending on how fucked up I was doing them
- Back Attack
- + 4 sets 6 reps
Did these with the bands attached mmm I love it
- Pull Down Abs
- + 4 sets 8
- Free Time: suggested items like pull downs, low rows, banded leg curls, ghr,
GHR , leg extension, innie outtie
- Warm Up
- Hanging Leg Raise
- Reverse Hypers
- Pull Down Abs
- Face Pulls
- Low Rows
- *2-4 sets (whatever you need)
- Bench Press
- + work up to 55% Pm for 4 sets of 8
I’m using my shirted bench for all my benching percentages since I will be spending a lot more time in that there polyester guy.
165 4x8
- Incline Close Grip
- + 4 sets 8 reps
Varying weights with varying success. Mostly 125.
- One Arm Dumbbell Seated Overhead Press
- + 4 sets 8
- Band Press Downs
- + 80 reps
- Free Time: suggested items like pull downs, low rows, shoulders with rope, pull apart, face pulls
Lat pulls, rope shoulders, face pulls, grip work