The following details my base/primary chest, shoulder and triceps workout from Monday evening at Kirkland Gold’s Gym.  This particular workout was part of the John Meadows program I began leading up to my competitions.  I’m basically jumping back onto the program for one week before going back into depletion-mode for the Chicago Pro.  I still tempered the intensity and weight I lifted to ensure injury avoidance this close to competition.  Christina joined me for the workout and here is what we did…


Incline Dumbbell Press


Set 1 x 8 reps with 55lbs

Set 2 x 8 reps with 70lbs

Set 3 x 8 reps with 85lbs

Set 4 x 8 reps with 95lbs

Set 5 x 8 reps with 100lbs

Set 6 x 7 reps (failure) with 110lbs


*Press to ¾ lockout and continue climbing in weight doing sets of 8 reps until you can no longer get 8 reps.


HBT Flat Barbell Bench Press


Hanging Band Technique (HBT) is a training tip I picked up from T-Nation and was not part of John’s program today – FYI.


Set 1 x 5 reps with 225lbs + 10lbs via HBT each side

Set 2 x 5 reps with 225lbs + 10lbs via HBT each side

Set 3 x 5 reps with 225lbs + 10lbs via HBT each side

Set 4 x 5 reps with 225lbs + 10lbs via HBT each side

Set 5 x 5 reps with 225lbs + 10lbs via HBT each side


*John did call for 5 sets of 5 reps on bench press today. I initiated the HBT.  The first set should be relatively easy and you should barely get all 5 reps by the final set.  Aim to train explosively.


Here is a video of my second set:




Superset: Max Tension Machine Fly & Dips


Max Tension Machine Fly x 8 reps with 210lbs

Immediately followed by…

Dips x failure (6-8 reps) with bodyweight


*The key on the max tension fly is to use a heavier than normal weight and only take the handles ¾ of the way and pause while flexing your pecs as hard as possible for a 1 second count.  On the dips simply be sure to work deep into the bottom of the movement to get a good stretch and go to failure.  I performed the superset for 3 rounds.


Here is a video of my final set:




Superset: Cable Rear Laterals & Face Pulls


This was a deviation from a single rear delt machine exercise as prescribed by John – FYI.


Cable Rear Laterals x 30 reps with 15lbs

Immediately followed by…

Face Pulls x 10 reps with 110lbs


*Hold the contraction for a split second in the flexed position on the cable rear laterals.  On the face pulls I prefer to do an explosive concentric phase, hold the contraction for a 1 second count and then use a 3 second tempo on the eccentric.  I performed the superset for 3 rounds.


Superset: Dumbbell Side Laterals & Front/Overhead Raises


This was also a deviation for John’s program which called simply for side laterals – FYI.


Dumbbell Side Laterals x 12 reps with 30lbs

Immediately followed by…

Front/Overhead Raises x 10 reps with 40lbs


*Nothing special on the side laterals besides using a weight in which you can maintain good form.  I personally hate front raises, but like wide grip front raises with a barbell when taken all the way overhead.  At the top be sure to contract your delts and traps hard.  I performed this superset for 3 rounds.


Here is a video:




Single D-Handle Triceps Pushdowns


Set 1 x 12 reps with 50lbs

Set 2 x 10 reps with 50lbs

Set 3 x 7 reps with 50lbs

Set 4 x 6 reps with 50lbs


*The key here is to use a supinated (palms up) grip and flex hard in the contracted position.  Also, I only rested 20 seconds between sets.  It’s okay if you lose reps as you go along.


EZ Bar Triceps Extensions


Set 1 x failure with 70lbs

Set 2 x failure with 70lbs

Set 3 x failure with 70lbs

Set 4 x failure with 70lbs


*The key here is to go to failure on every set with a weight in which you hit failure around 8-10 reps.  I used a flat bench and brought the bar behind my head to achieve a better stretch.


That concluded this base/primary chest, shoulder and triceps workout.


Train hard!
