So pumped today, I was training with a couple firefighter friends of Ken's and just had to try squatting under the bar. Last time I tried I couldn't quite get the ROM for my shoulder but today I DID IT !

I had to use a super wide grip and my right shoulder was off a bit but after a few sets I got it straightened out! Love seeing this great progress week after week.

Banded Shoulder Stretch

GHR Warmups


Bar x 5

126 Lbs x 5

166 Lbs x 5/5/5/5


256 Lbs x 2/2

306 Lbs x 1 (This felt amazing, I don't think I will be long getting my deadlift back over 400 lbs, I just don't want to push it too much yet)

GHR x 10/10

Superset with Plank situps x 20/20

I trained yesterday as well so I didn't do too much volume today, everyday I like to try something new and work on my shoulder. Excited to bench tomorrow night then hit the highway to the Arnold's !

Patience, persistence, persurverance, determination and dedication,  1 week shy of 4 months post shoulder surgery and I'm happy with my progress.  I return to work next week so back to a regular routine.

#teamelitefts #driven #strongher #livelearnpasson