Since I just recently took over the personal training staff at my job, the experience and knowledge levels of my trainers varies. They are all undergraduate students, so in turn are all in a very developmental learning process. In the next several months I will be covering a lot of different aspects of coaching and technique in our staff trainings, but I wanted to send them some resources to get them started in the right direction beforehand. Fortunately we have a ton of great resources through elitefts and our team of coaches to choose from. Here are the first of several resources I’m sending to my staff to review, and would be helpful for any trainer or coach to look at..
Squat Progressions for Athletes
with Mark Watts, JL Holdsworth, & The Spot Athletics Coaches
Glute Ham Raise Progressions for Athletes
with Mark Watts & Nick Showman
Overhead Press Progressions for Athletes
with Mark Watts & Derek Dolgner
...More to come in Part II!
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