I'm currently preparing for the 2016 USS Strongman Nationals which will be held on June 11th, 2016. My training focus is to continue to get stronger and prepare and peak for the events at Nationals. I'm working with teammate Mike Mastell on my nutrition and programming.

This session felt great. The weights moved fast and I felt strong. I'm really happy with how things are coming together so far. My low back issue has disappeared for now. I did take an Epsom salt bath, stretched it, did some soft tissue work and it was good to go.

My deadlift and front squat are definitely at their strongest they've ever been. I find the deadlift and front squat strength to carry over to a lot of events. For the events in this competition I find the deadlift and front squat carry over to the following for myself:

Log Clean & Press - Deadlift (initial pick/clean), front squat (leg drive on press)

Conan's Wheel - Deadlift (low back support weight), front squat (upper back support weight/quads walking with load)

Wagon Wheel Deadlift - Deadlift (all of it), Front Squat (leg drive off floor/upper back strength/strength endurance)

Fingal Fingers - Deadlift (initial pick/low back support weight), Front Squat (leg drive/quads walking with load)

Atlas Stones - Deadlift (initial pick and the load), Front squat (the load/upper back strength)

In strongman a lot of things are picked up from the ground and a lot of things are supported in front of the body. So these lifts have been staples in my training for years.

The band in the first video I'm listening to is a local band called "Illeagle". These guys were all a few years older than I in school, but I worked with them for years at the local go-cart track. And grew up down the road from a couple of them. They introduced me to all kinds of great music and a lot of stuff I still listen to today. Check these guys out if you're looking for some new music to train to.  I really like their sound.


A. 4 inch Block Pulls

8 sets of 2 @ 520#


B. Front Squats 5 sets of 3 @ 360#

C. Bulg. Split Squats

4 sets of 8 each leg