Saturday blue + 3 chains
Squat 415 5x2
Leg press dbl red minis 1-2-3-4-5 x10
drop set 3 plates 2x20
KB swings blue band 100# 3x20
Backwards sled 5 plates 4 trips
Hanging leg raises


This is a bastardized version of speed work and circa max. The how is not important- but they WHY is. See Force Velocity curve: My strength is ahead of schedule as compared to previous meet preps. But my speed is lacking. So I'm experimenting this training cycle with 3-4 weeks of a lighter circa max before getting into heavy singles the last 4-6 weeks before the meet. The last week of of this 'circa max' I will likely push at least one heavy single to feel near 100% on my back/in my hands going into the tapering phase.

Squats in wraps - 415 + blue bands (200#) + 3 chains per side (90#) = 705 at the top. These moved well.


Standard assistance work for the rest of the session. Swapped Leg press for belt squats.