Yup. A 27 week cycle. A touch over 6 months.
I was getting restless not having a goal in mind each time I went to the gym. I felt like I was wasting mine, and everybody's time at the gym.
I will go into detail about my training soon. It starts slow and ramps up. It also includes gear and fleshy training all the way through. I stopped using the word raw as it's to confusing to everyone what is raw, raw raw, and RAAWWWWW. So, not in gear will be referred o as fleshy training.
Week one will be fleshy training. 75% of my RPE of 9 for 4 sets of 4.
So much god damn volume! I will pretty much be a bodybuilder after this.
I will be training 5 days a week. Due to time constraints during the week. I will be training my 3 main lifts and that's it. On the 2 other days, I will be doing accessories to help recovery and mobility.
Today I work up to 445 for 4 x 4
This is a video of the last set.I was shocked to how this felt. After the first set I wasn't sure I was going to get 4!! This was a great way to start my cycle!