Mon, 14 Nov 16
Block 8, Wave 2 - OH @ Iron Strong CF
Still working on the write up from my first Highlander competition over the weekend since I had to study for an orthopedics exam most of the weekend after I got home. It should be up in the next day or so.
My knee is getting better all the time, but now that it is getting back closer to normal and I can do things like more than one rep with heavyish weights on overhead, I have discovered a sucking hole in my athleticism - my conditioning is in the sh!tter. This does not come as a huge surprise, and it's actually a positive step forward since I can actually do enough now to be aware of it. I started taking steps to remedy the issue at the end of training today.
Log C&J (clean once...or twice)
complex x 90
complex x 140
complex x 180
I lost my air when I brought the first rep of 295 back down to my shoulders and tried, but failed, to get it back so I ended up putting the log down and re-cleaning it for my second rep. I was not happy about this.
Towel Pullups
Five more reps than last time and I'll do five more reps next time.
Bottoms Up Press/KB Curls
Sled Push
50' x sled + 25
9x50' x sled + 50
I'm used to putting 25s on the posts of the prowler for indoor pushing on rubber flooring, but the sled I used today only had a single post. I did what I have trained myself to do, but quickly realized it was too light midway through the first push. I'd say it was still too light since the sled was smaller than a prowler, so I'll bump it up some next time.