APF State meet December 15, 2019
Vacation sucks, mainly when you are in the middle of a strength block and you try and make accommodations to lift. It makes it even more difficult when it is a place overrun with breweries, (2nd largest per square mile in the US I believe) yoga mats, and peace and love being expressed everywhere. HOWEVER, in a small corner, underground with one fan, one mono, and one bench one of the rattiest, hardcore, barebones training space I've been in shown through the clouds. This place was the true meaning of no bull shit, the upstairs was nothing but machines to cater to the" local people" but a few people, part of this culture of strength, reside and have made a haven for it to be sustained. Unfortunately, I was unable to train with any of them as I needed to get in and out due to schedule but I left blood and skin in that room along with others who have come through. Pictures on the wall of Dave Tate, Joey Smith, and Kaptin Kirk resided. Although the training session ended up a failed lift it was still an experience!
*SPEED Squats, Wide Stance, Slightly High Box + Double Green Bands 8x2: (305) modified lights plus 1 chain
*sumo Stiff Bar, light bands and 2 chains Max 2 : 545
*Drop the bar weight by 30% and perform 3x5 with 3 second Pause Mid Shin: SKIP (hand)
*Barbell Deadlift out of GHR, come up to flat position 3x10: 88lb FB’s
*Leg Press 3x20: 10 plates
*Kneeling Hamstring Curls 3x10: 25,35,45
*Plank Banded Rows 3 rounds 30’s