Wed, 16 Nov 16
Block 8, Wave 2 - SQ
Wednesday morning seems to be overall better for me to train than after class in the evening, but that depends on whether my schedule changes and I have to go in earlier. Today everything was normal so I trained around 8AM in the garage. Last squat day I added oly squats and good old forward lunges back into my program. Side note: I hate the term "oly squats", but it is the easiest way to communicate that they were high bar, close stance, ATG versus "normal" squatting with a low bar position, wid(er) stance to parallel. Terminology aside, both of these exercises sucked last time doing them for the first time in a long to very long time. While I did not instantly double my weights in 2 weeks using this one neat trick your trainer doesn't want you to know, both exercises felt significantly better and easier this week and I went up much more on weight than I had planned on based on my training notes from the first time. So today's shoutout goes to neuromuscular adaptation and good recovery, or at least better recovery than the entirety of my first year of PT school, where I can literally count the number of training days on my fingers where I felt recovered and good to go for any training session or any day in general, really.
Box Jumps
5xBW to 30"
5xBW to 36"
5xBW to 37.5"
Oly Squat
DB Lunges
3x8ea x 50