I’m currently in meet prep for the RPS Lexen Spring Fling in Columbus, Ohio on May 9th, 2015. I will be competing in my first multi-ply meet, going bench only at 148 pounds.

For programming and coaching inquires, please email SmitleyPerformanceSystems@gmail.com

Saturday morning I traveled over to the east side of Indy to help out my new iron brothers, Joe and Tom. I will be handling them at their SPF meet on May 19th, and they've been kind enough to let me come over and train. The main reason I have been there twice now is to help them, and put their training first. They will be competing multiply, so I am getting a feel for how they like their wraps, strap settings, and depth called for meet day. Both of them look to be coming in strong, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to help them out. Talk about some great guys (with a sick ass set up to train).

I opted to jump in a train with them and get some work in myself. I didn't really have a true game plan coming in, but to just not mess stuff up...which I almost did on numerous occasions. Something just wasn't right with my alignment of my hips and belt. I was getting really loose, and you'll see in the video that my hips just look off. I have had some minor hip internal rotation issues on my left hip for a few years, and it had been doing rather well, but something has knocked it off. It could have just been the drive over, or maybe even being in the bench shirt and tucking so much the past few months, but whatever it is, I'm getting to the root of it early. I still managed to PR, despite looking like a total amateur for the day...so hey, take away the positives I guess. I am however going to be addressing this. Below is the list of things I'm going to do daily to try and fix this early so that I can jump right back in to training after the meet.

  • Soft tissue work for left glute and right adductor: 2-3 minutes each
  • Side Lying Hip Internal Rotation with Foam Roller: 1x10 with 5 sec hold (left hip only)
  • Side Lying Hip External Rotation with Foam Roller: 1x10 with 5 sec hold (right hip only)
  • Standing Band Adduction: 1x10 with 5 sec hold (left hip only)
  • Seated Pretzel Stretch (left hip internal, right hip external): 30 sec, progressive
  • Crucifix Stretch (left side only): 30 sec
  • Side Plank (left side only): 30 sec

As you can see, my big emphasis is going to be strengthening the left internal rotators and adductor, as well as the right external rotators, AND increased stability about the left hip. I will also be trying to get the right external rotators stronger. This should help get my pelvis back to a more aligned position. After about a week or two I will reassess where I am at, and if I need to, go get an adjustment and see if that can clear some things up as well.

Overall, a great day. Just a hiccup in some things I wasn't expecting to happen. The good thing is I've got a plan of attack from the get go.


Warm Up
GHR - 2x10
GHH/Back Ext - 2x10
Back Elevated Glute Bridges - 2x10

Grip Work
None for the day, back to the grip grind on Tuesday

A1) Squat

B1) Pause Squats (beltless)

C1) SSB Good Mornings

D1) Leg Extensions
D2) Lying Leg Curls
3x15 + 20 partials on last set

E1) Standing Cable Crunches
E2) Stiff Leg Deadlifts
3x15 - focusing on a good stretch
E3) Band TKE