After having set an all-time PR on my equipped bench press with 457lbs, I'm now in off season mode getting back to some heavy training while running my gym, THIRST.
For programming and coaching inquires, please email SmitleyPerformanceSystems@gmail.com or visit brandonsmitley.com
For this particular session I shut it down a bit early. My rows actually felt pretty dang good, but once I got past my chins, things just started to feel like they were tightening up so I opted to just do some shrugs and stretch things out a bit and call it there. It seems that a lengthened position give me a bit more trouble than just about anything else (makes sense when you think about it, given that my abdominals are being stretched after having been cut open as some point). Just another fine point to slow down a bit and keep things feeling smooth and light more than anything else.
Items Used in this Training Session
Warm Up
Tons of PRI Based Stuff
A1) DB Rows
3x10 per arm
B1) Neutral Grip Chest Supported Row Machine
C1) Semi-Supinated Chin Ups
3 sets, max reps
D1) Low Hammer Row Shrugs
E1) KB Pull Overs