For my last big squat, I decided to travel up to Monster Garage Gym in Waukegan IL. I assure you with some of the people who have and still do train there the name suits the facility.
Swede told me to take 865 if everything was feeling good, and that's what happened. I have been having some issues with the un-racking for the last two weeks; I've been shaking like a woman's battery operated boyfriend. I was hoping it was just from being sick and I'm more than convinced that's all it was.
Below is a video of my last three attempts 775/825/865
Now I just have to put it all together where it counts, on the platform. It's been two meets since I've had a total PR, needless to say, I'm hungry for that to change in a couple of weeks #elitfts #5thset
I know you posted that you weigh around 390'ish but I was curious to know your height? Your squats looked solid and I wish you a huge total at the Arnold. Crush some weight!