Warm Ups
Bracing protocol as always (game changer).
Some light shoulder warm ups (getting under the bar can be a bitch).
Bar - 10 reps x 2
145 - 10
235 - 6
325 - 3
415 - 3
505 - 3
Working Sets
560 x 3 x 4 which felt surprisingly good considering how terrible bench felt.
Fifth Set
Fifth set felt great I got 11 reps this set is usually pretty brutal on the cardio, but I did feel like I was going to die so much. In typical fashion, I ran out of memory mid-set, so I'll share my last triple instead. I'm going to invest in a bigger SD card to prevent this from happening in the future.
Accessory Work
Front squats
375 lbs. x 3 x 3
Barbell rows for two progressive sets of 12 with 275 lbs.
Heavy dumbell rows to lower chest 1 set of 15 with 100 lbs.
Heavy barbell shrugs two progressive sets of 15 with 275 lbs.
Finished with five sets of 10 calf raises
Mood: I'm going to have to say my mood was a little bit of fuck shit up mixed with a little bit of this is just the beginning you fool
Energy: like a 21-year-old at the bar for the first time
Feeling's: Everything felt pretty good today no complaints as of yet, it is only week one after all.