Ah, so here we are a solid four weeks out from the worlds biggest sports festival. We are located right here in the heart of the good old U.S of A Columbus OH-io. A strange time on the internets, a cold wind of silence blows on the open plains of Facebook and Instagram. A lot of you buttoning up yer suck holes and I realized this a couple of years back.
No new leaves were overturned, no new year new you being bigger than blasting with your Glock qwerty, nope what's real is the chance of seeing someone you talked shit too via the safety of yer digital device of choice. See every year I get threatened, "called out" etc etc. Hell there was two people (one more than other) the last couple years that told me when they see me they see me and we can handle this, buuuuut I seen them two months ago, and well not a word was said. That's how it always has been, I've heard hey man that's just the internet, can I get a pic, or an extended hand reaching for a shake.
Such bullshit, but the upside to all the keyboard warrior, Viking, savages is that four weeks out they usually shut the fuck up in hopes they fade out. When a couple hundred thousand people all congregate in a large area, there is bound to be some run-ins, but man ain't nobody bout that action. Just a bunch of loudmouths (hey kettle) who ain't ever going to do shit without 4g. So enjoy the silence of this phenomenon, because you sure as hell can count on the second week of March being back to the same old blah blah blah.
Also, I don't run with a crew, and I'm not posting in hopes of beef, I ain't ever going to start shit, but be damn sure I'll abbreviate it. Don't ask me for pics, don't introduce yourself if you know you sneak diss with your iPhone 9mm. I'm just an average dude who lifts weights, that's it, I'm no fucking movie star, and I have a face for radio, and quite frankly I'm tired of all you clowns being tough guys online and sucking dick in person.
Lighten up Jp, lay off the ace Jp, have fun Jp, man the shit I have to go through to be able to do this, it isn't fun. It's a fucking addiction that has me by the balls; I'm Irish and stubborn as fuck, and I couldn't quit anything in my whole life- good bad and everything in between. So until March, catch you clowns on the flipside.