I own my own sports performance gym, Iron Athlete, in Concord, Oh. I recently was hired as the Strength and Conditioning coach for all sports at Riverside High School (our local school district) with this 20+ hour increase per week in my work schedule I haven't quite figured out when I am going to train, so I have only trained 1 or 2 x per week for the last couple weeks of august and beginning of July.
I am pretty tight as it is, but I think not training has caused me to get even tighter and my low back has been giving me some issues. I usually, to a flaw, will train through any tweak or discomfort, but I actually had to shut it down squatting the other day.
I have been doing the McGill big 3 and some mobility and soft tissue work (I'm sure not enough) and it is starting to feel better. I will keep updating my progress.