APF State meet December 19, 2019


After week one The swiss bar was not doing it for us. As mentioned in last weeks log our delts were holding the entire load. By the time we got to neutral grip DB presses out shoulders were not feeling good, in a bad way.  All of 2019 has been kind of funky when dealing with bench press, any specialty bar that was not straight (like a bench bar) aggrevated my shoulders drastically: swiss bar, football bar, no matter the width.

When something does not cooperate with your body the Risk > Reward is not worth it this early in a strength block nor ever worth it in my opinion. Because of this we swapped back to your standard bar and made out RE sets done on an incline since that is a weakness of ours. Let me tell you something, night and day difference in performance and how we felt. The bar moved VERY well on both perscribed exercises. This is why I love being a coach and making adjustments, when you find what works it feels soooooo good




*Bench + 4 chains 10x3:
*Incline Bench 5x4:  (255)
*Tate Presses 3x12: 65
*A1) Iso Side raises then switch 3x12: 20
*A2) Inverted Rows 3x12: BW
*Neutral Grip DB Bench 3x15: 90,90,80
*Banded Push Downs 2 rounds 75 total: green



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