After sustaining multiple low back issues the past year, and coming off a terrible showing at the XPC Bench Bash, I'm now focused on training to improve my body and mind as I prepare for my wedding in June. I hope to be back on the platform towards the end of 2018.

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What I had hoped to get some back and bicep work in, all I was able to squeeze in was some back work. I got in the main work that I really wanted to hammer, so that's a good thing. Just going to have to start pushing the pace a little bit more in certain places on the training so try to squeeze in what I have planned in my head. Still a productive day, I've just got more to work on I guess.

Items Used in this Training Session
Swiss Lat Bar

Warm Up
Lateral Raises
DB Overhead Press
Rear Delt Raises
DB Bench Press
DB Flys
DB Skull Crushers
DB Rows
DB Curls
15 each

A1) Swiss Bat Lat Pulldowns

B1) Standing Cable Rows

C1) DB Rows
3x10 per arm

D1) Wide Grip Pull Ups
3 sets, max reps

E1) Side Plank Hold off GHR
3x30 sec per side