A feisty vegan powerlifter with a zeal for training and a love for good food. BJJ newbie. I am prepping for my next meet in October following the Minimalist/M2 Method by Brian Schwab. Brian has been my coach for over a year now, and the following logs are documenting my progress utilizing his training methods.
Thank you for being a part of my journey!
For training videos and pictures, go hit FOLLOW on my Instagram: omnomnomnomcookies
There has been a LOT going on the last few months, and I have admittedly been having a little bit of trouble managing everything. The good news is that I haven't stopped training despite dealing with a lot of things, and my chin is up high!
Lately I have actually been switching between higher volume/lower intensity and high intensity/low volume. Just depending on how I feel for the given day. I have been putting a lot of energy into my BJJ training, and for now I am just cruising and enjoying life and training, especially during the summer. I don't have a meet on the sudden horizon so I am not as dialed in as I normally would be.
It is honestly really nice to take a break from my "normal" training. Taking up martial arts again was one of the best things I could have done for myself and my personal development. It has really been keeping me centered, and it is giving me a more humble approach to training. My cardio and technical skills are seriously lacking so it is nice to put some focus into that for the first time in awhile.
Besides that, it is also really cool to find something else that I am good at. Something that comes naturally to me, and challenges me in different ways than powerlifting does. Powerlifting is and will always be my favorite hobby, but this is quickly coming a close second.
That being said, I have upped my BJJ to roughly 3x per week. I have my first belt grading coming up next month, and regardless of the turn-out, I want to make sure I am giving it my best shot!
AM Bench Session:
Bench (really long pause - roughly 5 seconds)
bar x bunch
95x5 (x3)
DB Shoulder Press
15s x 10
20s x 10
35s x 10 (x2)
Chin-ups (l-sit)
1x5 (reg)
Close-grip Bench
95x8 (x3)