Beltless SSB
455 3x8
Beltless SSB Paused
495 3x4
Beltless SSB Good Morning w Chain
225 3x5
Beltless RFESS w SSB
135 3x12
these are fucking hard!
Suitcase Carries
140x5 laps
was kind of terrified of blowing another bicep but most of that is likely mental terror. Told myself to get over it and work my grip
9/11/19 Then went on to bench press the day after. Still dieting and making my way down to 220 to be a better well rounded lifter and athlete in preparation for civil service requirements. Bench Press 405x3 350 3x8 325 3x8 Standing DB SHoulder Press 55 3x5 Front and Side Raise Superset 15 3x15 Weighted Dips 25 2x10 BW 3x10 Prone I/A/Ts 15 3x10
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Quite a few repetitions yesterday. First set and last set. Need to address tight hip flexors and get on my own ass about shit wrist position and pushing through the entirety of my hand not just my thumb and index finger. BW: 239.2. . . . @scottmiller5 @kabuki_virtualcoaching @kabukistrengthlab @elitefts @brandon_senn @team_sibya @baconandbarbells.co @leviathannutrition @positionusa #TeamEliteFTS #STRONGTHESULLIVANWAY #kabukistrength #TeamKS #KSVirtualCoaching A post shared by Joe Sullivan (@joesullivanpowerlifter) on