First day back since December. I took quite a bit of a break because I was constantly and consistently getting sick. I wanted to get the recovery and rest I needed. Call it whatever it is but I've been injury free all my life and I'd like to keep it that way until I can't.

Bench felt inconsistent and my groove was off. Since it is the first day back, I feel like I'm just getting my feet wet again. Just focusing on meeting the bar (belly to bar cue). Losing tightness and flaring my elbows off my chest. Weak points I need to attack this training cycle.

Bench barx10, 95x8, 125x5, 140x6-8x4sets

Front raises plate (25lb plate)  4x10-12

Db tricep exts 8x8 15sec rest

rope push downs 3x12-15

Band pull parts 3x25, Rotator cuff cleans 3x15
