Today was bench day, Boh made it back to the gym after 5 months off due to a shoulder resection and labrum repair. With Boh back the gym was flying with insults, bad jokes, and we even watched a under cover sting outside the gym. Just like old times.
Thumbs out grip
135 for 10. 3 sets. Ac joint and right trap are super stiff for some reason.
225 for 3
315 for 3
405 for 3
440 for 3
Cat bench with thumbs out grip
365 for 3 sets of 3
Dead bench with thumbs out grip
430 for 3 singles
Close grip elitefts shoulder saver pad inclines with pointer on smooth
185 for 8
225 for 8
275 for 8
These were awkward with the pointer on the smooth but great on the triceps.
I was going to do flys as usual but I did my warm up set and felt my ac joint pulling funny so I skipped them
Barbell Tricep exts
135 for 3 sets of 8 with 30 seconds rest in between sets
Pauloff holds
3 sets of 10 seconds each side
Battle ropes
5 20 second sets with 30 seconds rest in between sets.
Good workout. Not sure what my shoulder is doing but hopefully it's just a random thing that goes away.