Ok, just finished up the 6th week of my bench program. I can definitely tell I'm getting stronger, but feeling pretty beat up. My elbows and shoulders feel trashed.
Bench Press:
65%x8 at 265
75%x6 at 325
85% x4 at 365
90% x 3x 2 sets at 385
85% x max reps at 365 x 9 reps (PR)
80% x max reps x2 reps - felt a little strain in my pec and shut it down
That last set I felt a little something in my pec and shut it down ASAP, I don't think I strained anything but it really scared me at the time and I will be pretty nervous next week. Having to hit 95% (415lbs) for 2 sets of 3 doesn't help my anxiety about it.
Accessory work:
DB 1 arm rows 3 x10 reps per arm at 95lbs
Seated cable rows 3x20
Dropset of cable tri push downs: 100 total reps - Terrible
100 shrugs