Warm up raw: bar - work up to 145lbs

Bench shirt

3 x 3 195lbs

Slingshot 145 1 x 10, 1 x 18

Tricep rolling extensions 3 x 10 

Cable flies 3 x 15 (1 sec hold) 

Tricep pushdowns 3 x 15 

Slingshot pushups 4 x 20

DB strict overhead presses 3 x 10

KB flies 3 x 20

Bicep curls 3 x 15



The kings and queens of gear have spoken: technique has improved tremendously, just need a tighter shirt. I am up in weight which is great from 127 to 132 again. Hopefully taking CJ's class will help me keep my baby abs. I know they are overrated but a solid core is key.