Mon, 28 Mar 16
The PT school nonsense is flying fast and furious and with an ever-changing schedule of classes and exams, training is getting moved around and "adjusted" more than I would like. Going into this week I was expecting not to be able to train until Wednesday, but technological issues on the part of the university led to cancellation of my afternoon research lab class which meant I had 3 hours freed up that I used to buy food, cook food, and get in a quick training session before returning to my planned studying for ex phys, kines lab, and kines lecture.
I had initially planned to go across the bridge to train at Colosseum this weekend, but a presentation on Monday and at least 2 exams next week are curtailing my travel plans. I will still train at the Unit though, so work will be done and progress will be made no matter what.
I had just spent an hour wrestling with an online quiz on the joints of the lower extremity going into this training session, so while I felt like I was moving in slow motion, any movement at all made me feel better. I wanted to keep going and finish up the rest of my training according to my program after finishing bench and rows, but I really didn't have time for that today. Nonetheless, while it was less than ideal, it was still much needed and appreciated.
Bench Press
DB Rows
3x8ea x 130
20ea x 105