Fri, 24 Jun 16

Snatch Complex


3 Way Raises (front, lateral, posterior)


Single Arm Supinated Grip Triceps Pushdowns/Single Arm DB Preacher Curls

15ea x 25/15ea x 20

15ea x 25/15ea x 25

15ea x 25/15ea x 30

I used my elitefts 0-90 bench for the preachers with the back set to the high incline angle.  Not having done any sort of preacher curl in forever, I had some degree of weakness/hesitation in generating contraction from a fully extended elbow position, but this got better with every set as I went on.

Incline Reverse Crunch/Single Leg Back Extension

2x{20xBW/15ea x BW}

20xBW/10ea x BW