After coming off my best meet performance of my career, I am now taking some time to focus on competing in bodybuilding over the spring of 2017. My nutrition coaching is through Cliff Wilson, and I have not yet determined the shows I'm competing in at this time.
For programming and coaching inquires, please email SmitleyPerformanceSystems@gmail.com or visit brandonsmitley.com
Monday's training session was a good one in the morning. I opted to get this training session in with Adrian as I knew she also needed to train as well. Monday's training is beginning to become one of my favorite days to train. While it's certainly a busy day for me schedule wise, the ability to get some solid work done at the beginning of my day just fuels the rest of the week for me. Granted it's a crunch on time, but I have yet to have a problem with fitting it in with about 40-50 min. Anyways, sufficient work, and a good pumped up day.
Items Used in this Training Session
Warm Up
Cats & Camels - 10
Quadraped T-Spine Ext - 10 each
Band Dislocations - 10
Alternating Band Dislocations - 10 each
Band Pressdowns - 15
Band Straight Arm Lat Pulldowns - 15
Band Face Pulls - 15
Single Arm Band Fly - 15 each
Band Rows - 15
Band Curls - 15
A1) High Row Machine
B1) Reverse Grip Lat Pulldown
C1) DB Pullovers
*The key here is to not pull the DB all over way over, to keep constant tension on the lats*
D1) Seated Cable Rows (using Iso Handles)
3x20; drop set on last set
*I like using the iso handles on this machine as I can feel like I'm pulling the cables apart as well as row, for a better contraction*
E1) Seated DB Curls
4x8; 2 drops sets on last set
F1) Machine Preacher Curls
F2) Reverse Curls