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So I did not get good documentation of videos from days 2-7 so this is basically a video vomit of the few exercises that I did capture. 80% of these movements I have not tried before as I never stay a very long time in a bodybuilding phase. This is not ideal but the way I structure training my strength blocks are longer. This has been a discussion of Julia's and mine for a while now and maybe changing for my needs will keep you posted!
It has been a while since I have done any pull-up variation cause something has been going on with my bicep. Any curl movement aggravates it a ton, went to my therapist and he deemed it a grade one strain. Go figure the next day was arms and I further hurt it, this movement was done the day of my appointment and did not feel great
Never tried smith machine JM presses before, puts a lot of pressure on elbows but really good tension on triceps. I could not go heavy and get a solid pump so I stuck to a slightly lighter weight and increased reps here
This is my dog and it is a good representation of when I take my pre-workout
Pin pulls: these were not great, the video was of 495, they felt heavy and awful. rep 4 I felt something shift in my back which was frustrating cause I felt I was bracing HARD. I did not wear a belt on purpose and I still failed to maintain a proper brace. I finished the set and moved onto my down set AMRAP but after looking at the video I should have gone heavier. The rest of the day I was frustrated that I stopped cause I watched the video later and saw the moved well and were not heavy enough for the suggested stimulus
Meadows rows are always a struggle for me but this foot position helped, doing a split stance position actually made my back feel unstable from the mini scare I had on deadlifts just prior