No meet Picked yet
I was able to tag along with Julia as we drove down to EliteFTS for the "women's table talk take over". Next day had legs on the docket, what an appropriate day to knock out at the S5 compound. The place was super busy and we had a max 5 reps followed by an AMRAP - I almost threw up several times after the AMRAP - this was further induced by people asking me if I wanted the puke bucket and my brain instantly thought of the smell of the puke bucket...
Fast forward only 4 days and we had quads AGAIN! I set a goal for myself and wanted to hit these close stance box squats beltless and for the same weight as one of the stronger cocky kids on our powerlifting team hit with a belt for a double. I got it but I paid for it, my upper back was SHOT as I got bent forward slightly on the last rep, not to mention we had to change training and decided to do back the very next day after this which will be a fun write up, stay tuned for that.