The drop set at the end of this 3x8 floor press was way harder than I anticipated. Hard enough that I challenged one of the guys on the Illiana Powerlifting Asylum team that he would not be able to beat me on the drop sets. Well, lets say this dude is motivated by trash talk, I thought for sure 255 + 4 chains for eight reps - drop a chain then eight reps - drop all the chains 4 reps was suitable to beat him. I really only cared about the second drop set cause it was just that bad. I had high hopes as I made it the first eight, by the 6th rep on the drop set I knew It was going to be Russian roulette on the eighth rep. I lost and needed help to lock it out, I did, however, I did get another 4 reps without weight. Team member comes in and accepts the challenge and beats me by A HALF REP!!!! he barely squeaked out the last rep on first drop set, well worth the best and the Mexican dinner I owe him, he did fail completely after one rep on the final drop with no chains, but as I mentioned before, I only cared about the drop set. I was slightly bummed but was redeemed week 6 Day 2 (yesterday) on this movement. I was able to get all my drops and hit 6 reps with no chains at the end where the one hit wonder struggled to get through his 3x8 and then couldn't even get close to finishing his first drop set this week. Im still buying dinner but I know I can back my strength up, lol!
A. Floor press w/ chain – 3x8 with 2 chains each side. On the last set, do your 8 reps, rack it, take off one chain per side, do a few more reps (don’t fail), rack it, take off the last chain, do a few more reps, go to failure. Note: how many reps you get depends on your muscular endurance. Some of you will get more than others.
B. BB Incline, tempo – 3x10, 3 seconds down, 3 seconds up.
C. DB flat bench – 4x10:
D1. EZ bar skull crushers – 4x10, after last set finish a close grip press to failure:
D2. Single arm band pushdowns – 4x12-15 (controlled and squeezed)
F. Lat pulldown, wide grip – 3x12, drop set last set: