Catchy headline, right? I guess this is where I should use it as a segue to say something like "In order for an arrow to move forward, it has to be pulled back first" or something. I'm not going to do that. I'm not that corny, but if you're going to follow and read this, then I feel like I should fill you in on a little bit of the rest of my life.
I admit it... I'm a Joe Rogan and Cam Hanes fanboy, but being one has led me to some new and interesting hobbies. Archery being one of them, has been an awesome way to meditate and think. It requires so much patience and skill to not suck and hit the side of the house (which I may have done a few times), that I really enjoy it. To say I'm excited to go out for my first hunt would be an understatement.
Shooting is usually my off day "recovery" method. That and swimming, but I'll save that for another post. I also did do some actual lifting of the weights yesterday. I'm about 2 weeks out now, so intensity and volume are going to drop pretty low. Yesterday, I hit 225x3x3 on power clean and jerk, and then worked up to a heavy single at 315.
I didn't mean to make it a full clean, and I'm pretty surprised my janky knee held up with how sloppy it was, but I'll take any W's I can get while I'm maintaining/rebuilding strength after this body re-composition.