10 min treadmill warm up

Cambered bar box squats 255lbs 4 x 5 - I use this bar from time to time because it helps me engage my lats even more so. If you lose any tightness, the bar will have you swinging around like a noodle.

Take your time with set up. Let the bar settle. Fill up your belly. When grabbing the bar, externally rotate (out) and engage your lats. Pretend you have a penny pinched in-between that you cannot drop and  hold it during the entire duration of your squat.

Leg press 3 x 20 

Bulgarian Squats 3 x 10 each leg 

Heeled goblet squats 4 x 10

GHR back extensions (toes pointed out) 3 x 20

Leg extensions 3 10/10 

20 min 8 incline treadmill

