Day 1 [Squat]

Squat x 10 @~8/ 1 repeat

185x 10

225x 10

245x 10 @ ~7-7.5 (feeling fatigued, so stayed conservative)

245x 10

[assistance work was done without tracking weights, this is more for fun/ just working the muscles]

Leg Press x 10 @8--> myoreps x3 @9

Hack Squat 3x10

RDL's w/dumbbells x 10 @8--> myo reps x3 @9

Seated Leg curls 3x10

Day 2 [Bench]

Competition Bench x 10 @8/ 1 repeat

135 x 10

155x 10

165 x 10

155x 10 (pushed it a bit too much on the previous set)

DB Flys 3x10

Incline DB Press 3x10

Seated DB OHP 3x10

Shoulder Lateral raises 3x10

Day 3 [Upper]

Touch and Go Bench x 10 @8/ 2 repeat

DB Bench x 4 x 10

DB Fly's x 4 x 10

Lat/Upper back work (not logging)

Day 4 [Deadlift]

Deadlift x 10 @8/ 2 repeat (these were truly "deathlifts")

DB Rows x 10 @8--> x 3 myo reps @9 rpe

Lat Pulldowns x 4 x 10

DB RDL's x 10 @8 --> x3 myo reps @9 rpe