As most celebrate Christmas today we will celebrate ours tomorrow with all of our kids and grandkids. Exciting times when you are a grandparent. We were fortunate enough to be able to train today, the perks of owning your own home gym. Carri came and trained with us, she is 5 weeks out from her 1st ever powerlifting competition.
Ken is in full power mode, he is competing in the full power at the XPC finals in March and I'm doing the Main Stage Deadlift Only Expo. This will be an amazing experience so training hard is our priority right now.
So another day of breaking in my single ply deadlift suit, I'm finally getting to the bar with my straps up, now that's progress.
GHR Warmups 10/10
BELT SQUATS 180 LBS X 10/10/10/10
BANDED TRICEPS 25/25/25/25
LAT PULL DOWNS 95 LBS X 10/10/10/10
256 LBS X 3
306 LBS X 3/3
This was a great session, I'm feeling really comfortable already and I've only been in the suit a few weeks. I can feel that 500 lb pull already.
So the house is clean, the food is ready, our training is done. We just need our kids to come home now to celebrate Christmas, what a wonderful life we have.
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
#xpcfinals #teamelitefts #driven #roadto500